Monday, December 7, 2009

TBBo2009C - 5-7

I’m still committed to The Best Blog of 2009 Challenge – I didn’t post this weekend (I rarely post on weekends) so here’s a 3 for 1 deal today.

December 5 Night out. Did you have a night out with friends or a loved one that rocked your world? Who was there? What was the highlight of the night?

WOW – this is a hard one. I’ve had so many great nights out this year. I’d have to say that one stands out in my mind. June 5th 2009 – New Kids on the Block concert in Virginia Beach. I had heard about this show and a group of us where planning to go. We where waiting to get tickets because we weren’t sure who was going.

The day of the concert I get an email from our receptionist, one of our clients had VIP box seats and parking passes for the show. I was on the phone so fast I didn’t even read the entire email. I was the first caller and he told me to come and pick up the tickets! Oh man was I excited. The night of the show it was down pouring and we all wore sneakers jeans and Hubby’s military GORE-TEX jackets. We where late for the show and missed the first two acts but we didn’t care. We all hung out in the VIP bar and then made our way to the box seats, where we had a waitress to get our drinks.

It was a wonderful night spent with Hubby, Miah, Megs, Lexa, Green Girl and a couple other girls that didn’t sit with us but where friends of friends. The entire night was one big highlight but one of my favorite parts was Green Girl and Miah singing an NKOTB duet. Ohhh the fun!
This also kicked off our summer concerts this year!

December 6 Workshop or conference. Was there a conference or workshop you attended that was especially beneficial? Where was it? What did you learn?
Hubby and I attended a Love and Respect couples class at our church this year, the basic philosophy is taken from the Bible. We weren’t having any problems in our relationship but it seem like an informative class and we decided to take it. I was surprised at how good it was. First thing I enjoyed about the workshop was they worked a lot of humor into it. You didn’t have to sit there and listen to some doctor tell you what a bad spouse you where!

The best lesson I learned was the Crazy Cycle. The Crazy Cycle teaches couples that they do not have the same fundamental needs. Most woman are satisfied, motivated and fulfilled by unconditional love from her husband, a husband is fulfilled and motivated by unconditional respect from his wife. If either spouse is denied this basic need, disaster is imminent. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs calls this reality the “crazy cycle;” a cycle that will spin toward divorce.

The bottom line is if a husband doesn’t show his wife love the wife doesn’t show her husband respect. They work against each other until they separate or someone changes. One of the questions that was brought up at the workshop was who should change. If my husband showed my love I’d show him respect and if my wife respected me I’d love her…well Dr Eggerich made a good point on who should ‘change’ first; the most mature person! Oh this got lots of laughs.

The Crazy Cycle won’t stop over night but if you try to make small changes your spouse will see that and do the same. I strongly encourage anyone that’s married and even engaged to look into this conference or check out some of the books Dr Eggerich and his wife Sarah have written.

Ephesians 5:22-25; 31-33

Wives and Husbands

22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

December 7 Blog find of the year. That gem of a blog you can't believe you didn't know about until this year.

I’m still a new Blogger. I just started posting regularly in March of 2009. I don’t have many readers but one person really kept me motivated when she would vist and comment on my blog. Matter of Fact Mommy; although she’s not around anymore (and we miss her) she was sooo funny.

Another blogger that I love and is a loyal reader/commenter on my blog is calicobebop
She has a wonderful blog and we have quite a bit in common so she is always a fun read. Go check her out.

Jaci is usually pretty good for a laugh too, although she’s deleted her blog like three times this year she always come back (thank god!)

Whew – Ok hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the rest of the week.


Heidi Renée said...

A ton of my friends went to that New Kids concert! if we still lived in Virginia Beach, I would have, too. I really hope they tour again next year.

calicobebop said...

How on Earth did I miss the NKOTB concert? I lived there!!

Oh yeah... I was moving. Dammit!

Thanks for the shout-out! Love the bit about the "crazy cycle" - it makes total sense to me!