Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bucket List

I made a bucket list, these are in no order, I just wrote them down as they came to mind...
This is no where near complete but here goes.

Bucket List:

1. Run a marathon

2. Become fluent in Spanish

3. Visit Ireland

4. Take a photography class

5. Finish my degree

6. Learn to play the drums

7. Go sky diving

8. Go scuba diving

9. Visit the Grand Canon

10. See the Northern Lights

11. Visit New York City

12. Vegas Baby!

13. Visit Chicago

14. Travel to all 50 states (I’ve been to 31 so far)

15. Go on a cruise

16. Create a trust fund for Roo

17. Attend a New England Patriots football game

18. Attend a Boston Red Sox baseball game at Fenway Park

19. Lose 50lbs

20. Adopted a needy child

21. Swim in the Pacific Ocean

22. Live in another country

23. Pin on Hubby’s stripes when he makes E9

24. Learn how to drive a motorcycle

25. Attend the Price is Right game show

26. Let go of the past

27. Pay off all my debt

28. Read the entire Bible

29. Be a contestant on The Amazing Race

30. Be the maid of honor at my sisters wedding

31. Own a beach house

1. Drive across the country (did this twice)

2. Mt Rushmore

3. Washington DC

4. Key West

5. Alaska

6. Drove through Denali National Park

7. Niagara Falls

8. Visited Mexico

9. Visited Jamaica and climbed a waterfall

10. Pikes Market in Seattle

11. The Space Needle

12. Been at the start of an Iditarod Dog Race

13. Becoming a mother

14. Gave my mom away at her wedding

15. Deep sea fishing

16. Learn to drive a stick shift

17. Own a home

18. Get a tattoo (I have 7 and want more)

19. Served in the military

20. Quite smoking (2.5 years now)

21. Have my grandfather give me away at my wedding

In my near future:

1. Bringing Roo to Disney World

What are somthings you want to do before you die?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Things that piss me off

Sorry I haven’t been around much lately but I’m kind of in an I hate the world mood lately. There is nothing that has happen to turn me into a total bitch but yeah I’m pretty pissy. Hubby and Roo went to South Florida for the holiday’s and I’m home alone for the first time EVER! You’d think I’d be happy about that and chill out/relax. Nope, not me. I keep thinking about all the shit I have to do!!! This will be the only holiday I have ever spent away from my daughter…but it’s good for her and dad to spend time together right??
Here are some things that piss me off (in no particular order):
Then you see parents out with their children and they have coats/sweaters/gloves/shoes on and their kids don’t! WTF is wrong with you? If you are cold enough to be covered up then but a damn sweater on your kid.
Girls who wear their hair down at the gym. Now if your hair is not long enough to tie back OK that’s fine but I see women at the gym with hair down past their shoulders doing cardio. I don’t get it. My hair has to be off my neck, I’m sweating my ass off at the gym. Pull your hair back – it’s gross! Also the ones that come to the gym to socialize. There is one girl I see there that I have never seen work out her and her friends sit around and talk for an hour.
The word irregardless. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this one before but I really hate that word.
Cars with huge spoilers. You look like a douche. Enough said
I can’t loose weight. It is crazy, I eat well and I work out 4 days a week. I work full time and have two dogs and a 4 year old. I’m not lazy…WTF I can’t loose weight. I feel like its hopeless how can someone how works out as hard as I do not loose weight. It’s not even how much I weight. I could be 300lbs for all I care I just want to shed this fat. What am I doing wrong? It was never this hard before I had Roo
When someone asks you a question then doesn’t listen to the answer. That is rude, just don’t talk to me then.
People who stand to close to me. Give me some personal space please
Shitty servers. Why do you work at a restaurant if you suck at your job? We had the worst service when we went out to breakfast Sunday morning. She brought me coffee. No cream, they didn’t have any. I saw cream on every other table. She brings biscuits. No butter. I ask her for butter and she forgot. She brings my eggs. I ask for hot sauce. They don’t have any; again is see hot sauce on 4 other tables. Maybe she just didn’t like me? It really sucked and the food wasn’t that good either.
User that call me to say their printers aren’t working and they’ve tried EVERYTHING. I get there and it’s out of paper! Most of the time it’s women who do this.
Pumping gas. I will drive around on E I hate pumping gas. I will take hubby’s car and leave him mine. I really hate pumping gas. BTW, on the way to work this morning my gas light came on (sigh)
People who are way to into their pets. I have two dogs and we’ve had them since we first started dating. I love my dogs. I drove to Alaska and back because I wouldn’t put them on a plane. I get it. I love my dogs but some people are crazy with this. IT’S A PET. They don’t need to have more clothes than you. They don’t need their own room and no I don’t want to see photos of them dressed up from Halloween.
Tattle-tails. Didn’t your mom ever teach you it is not nice to tattle?
Speaking of moms. Shitty moms piss me off. Take care of your kids. They come before you job, your boyfriend, best friend, and everything else. AND stop sending your sick kids to school/daycare. You get the rest of our kids sick and that pisses me off.

People who’ve never served in our military making decisions for those serving. Enlist or if you’re to old to enlist, sent your kids then you can ‘vote’ on their raises, cost of living, benefits and sending them away from their families for years at a time. I think your opinions may change a bit when you’re in their shoes.
And while I’m talking about the military, I’m sick of hearing the bitching about deploying. I get it, it sucks I know but we have an all volunteer force. You are in the MILITARY. That is what we do! We fight wars (even if we don’t believe in them) Everyone’s has had an enlistment end since September 11th, if you don’t like the military and don’t support the war…GET OUT. To the rest of you; thank you for everything you do for this country and I’m sorry you’re not told that enough.

The fact that I've been out of the military for over 4 years and haven't gone back to school.

Last but not least. Living so far away from my family. I feel like my niece is growing up without me and Godsons don’t even know who I am.

Whew; I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent. Hope everyone has a great week.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Over the top and Veteran's Day

calicobebop gave me this beautiful piece of bloggy bling! I'm begining to think she's the only one reading my blog! Is anyone out there?

The Rules:

USE ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think. Copy and change the answers to suit yourself and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers so try your best.

Let all of your blogger friends know that you think they are 'Over the Top'!

1. Where is your cell phone? Desk

2.Your hair? Crazy

3. Your mother? Alaska

4. Your father? Heaven

5. Your favorite food? Mexican

6. Your dream last night? Specific

7. Your favorite drink? Vodka

8. Your dream/goal? Happiness

9. What room are you in? Office

10. Your hobby? Reading

11. Your fear? Loss

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Successful

13. Where were you last night? Home

14. Something that you aren’t? Quiet

15. Muffins? Yum

16. Wish list item? Vacation

17. Where did you grow up? Maine

18. Last thing you did? Work

19. What are you wearing? Shoes

20. Your TV? Big

21. Your pets? Dogs

22. Friends? Laughing

23. Your life? Busy

24. Your mood? Meh

25. Missing someone? YES

26. Vehicle? Pathfinder

27. Something you’re not wearing? Necklace

28. Your favorite store? J. C. Penny

29. Your favorite color? Purple

30. When was the last time you laughed? Morning

31. Last time you cried? Friday

32. Your best friend? Heidi

33. One place that I go to over and over? Work

34. One person who emails me regularly? Sis

35. Favorite place to eat? Plaza Azteca

So there it is! Everyone I know has probably been tagged with it before, if not please give it a try.
Happy Veteran's Day!
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween and more

Friday at work we had a Halloween costume party. I dressed up as Rainbow Brite. It was awesome. None of the guys knew who I was. Most of the girls around my age got it though.

After work I had to get home and get Roo ready in her Cinderella costume. Hubs work had an event on base so we took her over. They had trunk - or - treating (which I had never heard of). The volunteers decorated the trucks of their cars and handed out candy. It was great and some themes where very well done. Here are some pics:

This is how the night started: NO photos of the princess..

Then after an arguement and 100 pics later I got this beauty:

And here are ones of me and Roo and Dad and Roo:

Finally some showing the trunks

Saturday it was like 80 degrees out. So much for Fall. But Roo's BFF came over and we went Trick or Treating in our neighborhood. I was disappointed that MOST of the houses where're giving out candy. There are a lot of kids that live around us so this was surprising. I don't care for the place anyway and really want to move but that's for another time.

I'll leave you with these: