Friday, July 31, 2009

The best part of waking up...

I have been sick for about a week now and last night was the first night all week I have had a good nights sleep. So; I didn't want to get up this morning. Of course this was the morning Roo was in my room saying "MOM - it's time to get up!"

I get up and get in the shower and a few minutes later she comes in and says something about how she can't get her tanktock on (yes that is how she says tank top; it's very funny)
I poke my head out of the curtain and she has on a multi-colored stripped skirt. OK that's good. And a tanktop that has stars all over it...hmmm; not so good.

Roo is very opinionated about her wardrobe. She likes to pick out what she wants to wear and get dressed herself. Some mornings this makes me want to kill myself
This is how it went down today:

Me: Roo; go get your orange shirt that matches the skirt you have on
Roo: NO. I want to wear my tanktock
Me: But your tank top doesn't match. It has stars on it and the skirt has strips
Roo: They're not strips mom. They're lines. And my tanktock has orange in in. SEEE? It does match.
Me: No baby it doesn't, go get your orange shirt out of your drawer and put it on.
Roo (stomping out of the bathroom): Well I guess you're not my mom anymore.


(cricket, cricket, cricket)

Did she just say that to me? She's only 4!

After I got out of the shower I went to check on her and she did have the orange shirt on.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My first ever Blog award

WOW. I got an awesome award from Calicobebop

First I want to say "Thank you"

and now I am suppose to tag 15 other bloggers...

yeah, most of the blogs I follow have already been given this award so I'll just post some of my favorite sites:

LOL Dogs - this site is hilarious for dog lovers

List of the Day - always good for a laugh

Calicobebop - read her everyday, one of the first blogs I got hooked on. We live in the same area, both have little girls and are veterans. She rocks.

Passive-Agressive Notes - this is the funniest shit. Once you start on this you become addicted

Overheard in the Office - makes me feel better about my job

Vodkamom - she has almost 1000 followers, so a lot of people like her

Postcard From Yo Mama - because we all have crazy moms

Ravings of a Mad Housewife - Jaci is the creator of Blog Fart Friday

FML - bad shit happens to all of us

Bricks and Stones Gossip - the best gossip site around

Raising Stink - this girl is funny. She would definitely be someone I'd like to party with and her
kid is very cute

Not Always Right - funny and stupid customer service stories

xkcd - a web comic

someecards - just plain funny and somewhat offensive

and last but not least...

Let me google that for you - I work as a computer technician. There are some days I would like to do this to my users...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I have a tendency to go a little over board when it comes to birthdays...ok, a lot overboard (don't judge me). Growing up birthdays where always a big deal. We didn't have much but every year on your birthday our family would get together and go out to eat at whatever restaurant you wanted. It was always a ton of fun because my family is crazy, loud and most of them drink. I remember for my 16th birthday we went to TGI Friday's. I was late because of cheerleading practice so by the time I got here my mom and Grampy where half drunk. We all had a wonderful time. The servers tied 16 balloons to me - we laughed so hard we cried.

I remember the first year John and I where together for my birthday; I woke up that morning all excited because I had taken him to Maine for his birthday and I knew he had to have something planned. He didn't. I called my mom and cried. It was MY birthday - didn't that mean anything to him? He learned his lesson. When I turned 21 hubby flew my mother and sister in town, got us rooms at the Marriott and we partied our butts off. Then he held our hair when we all puked. Great times!

Hubby is spoiled. When he turned 30 I took him to Key West. We only stayed a night because Roo was about 7 weeks old and I couldn't wait to get back to her. We left her with John's mom but it was the first time I had left her overnight. On his 31st birthday I planned a weekend getaway to Denali National Park. I got a lottery ticket that allowed us to drive through the park in our Durango. This is a pretty big deal. There is an annual road lottery each fall. In September, the park service allows 400 cars to drive the length of the park road. We saw so many bears, they walked right by our car. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. We left Roo with my mom for the weekend. It was the longest either of us had been away from her and we couldn't wait to get home and see her.

Like I said, I go a bit overboard with birthdays. I do this with my close friends and sister too. Coach bags, expensive makeup, dinners - whatever they want. It is the one day out of the year that is your special princess day :)

Roo just turned 4. I rented a pony, bounce house and face painter to come to our house. I am pretty sure my neighbors think I'm crazy and everyone else just says "She's 4! What are you going to do when she turns 5" I haven't gotten that far but I'll think of something good.

I'm done with birthdays for now; well at least until Labor Day weekend when we have a joint birthday party for Hubby and his best bud @ my house...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting to know me

- Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking?
I dance like crazy when everyone is looking

- Do you like to sing in the shower?
If the radio is on and it's a song I like

-Whats your favorite colour?

- Do you like baths or showers?
Baths to read/relax and showers to get ready

- Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry?
If I am straightening my hair I towel/air dry it. If I make my hair curly I do it while it's still wet

- At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water?
I'd like to lay there and ready a book. BUT I have a 4yr old so I do what she wants

- Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go?
Eat them

- Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?

- Pen or pencil?

- Have you thrown up in a car?

- Date someone older?
Yes...always have. Hubby is 8yrs older than me

- One place you could travel right now?
Maine. I miss my sis and niece

- Are you afraid of the dark?

- What was the last drink you drank?
Diet Coke

- Do you prefer hugs or kisses?

- What is your favorite word?
shit, or douche bag but that's two words

- Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Maybe more on the light side but pretty average

Friday, July 24, 2009

Parent’s Day

The 4th Sunday in July is Parent’s Day. This year it also happened to be the day of Roo’s birthday party (7.26.09) but I’ll cover that in another post.

What is Parent’s Day; well here is what I pulled from the official website:

In 1994 President Bill Clinton signed into law the resolution unanimously adopted by the U. S. Congress establishing the fourth Sunday of every July as Parents' Day, a perennial day of commemoration similar to Mother's Day and Father's Day. According to the Congressional Resolution, Parents’ Day is established for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children."

The establishment of Parents’ Day was the result of a bipartisan, multiracial and interfaith coalition of religious, civic and elected leaders who recognized the need to promote responsible parenting in our society and to uplift ideal parental role models, especially for our nation's children.

Since the creation of this annual day of commemoration, local faith communities, elected officials and activists throughout the nation have creatively launched many activities around the theme of Parents' Day designed to celebrate and strengthen the traditional, two-parent family.
The National Parents' Day Council does not envision Parents' Day to be yet "another" day to honor parents, but rather a day when parents honor their children and the God-centered family ideal by rededicating themselves to manifest the highest standard of unconditional true love.

Although it’s refreshing to see a holiday that is based on the ideal that we should honor our children (because we should everyday) I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the fact that they assume that just because there is a two-parent family it’s in some way ‘better’ than a one-parent family. It is the best case scenario and one that I am grateful I have the ability to provide my daughter with; it’s not always realistic. And I don’t believe that God loves any parent or child less if they don’t come from a two-parent family.

I grew with my mom as a single mother. My sister is a great single mother. Was/is it easy for them? No, but it’s not always easy for me either and I have a husband. So weather you’re a single mom, single dad, step parent, adopted parent or anyone else I’m leaving out…Enjoy your children on Parent’s day; and every other day. They grow to fast.

Blog Fart Friday

Blog Farts – noun. Def: Crappy ideas that are too short to make a real blog post, but when combined, join forces to make one unified, albeit half assed, post. Definition by Jaci

I really do love my family despite my cynical nature about them. At times I do not understand the decisions that they make; but they are my family and I will do my best to support them.

Those ‘things’ that make water sounds. I hate them. They always make me have to pee.

Basically, my high school experience totally sucked. Joining the Air Force, moving away, traveling and enjoying being on my own @ 17 was much more exciting and rewarding.

My 6+ years-of-marriage started as a fling

I have 7 tattoos. (and want more)

I changed my hairstyle for the first time in 10+ years in November; and highlighted it in June. I'm ready for something new...I pray I like it; I'm so sensitive about my hair.

I love the smell of vanilla, my laundry (ask my sis, it smells AWESOME), freshly made coffee, butter popcorn, and babies

I can’t see a damn thing without my glasses. I want to get Lasik

I hate riding in the passenger seat during road trips. 99% of the time I’d rather drive. I can’t ride in the back for over 30 minutes or I’ll be car sick

I love have people at my house even if it’s a pain in the ass most of the time.

I am addicted to purses. Expensive ones.

I’m still pissed off they cancelled Friends. Now I just found out the cancelled Life and Without a Trace… Good thing I don't have much time to watch T.V

Roo is named after my Grampy and my uncle. Her real name is Danah (that's Dana NOT Dan-ah)

And bonus...
Things to Be Miserable About: Studies show that the average father spends less than thirty minutes a week talking to his children.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

4 years ago today...

This post was meant for yesterday...

On this day 4 years ago (July 22nd 2005):

This is the 203rd day of the year. There are 162 days remaining until the end of the year.

George W. Bush was President

We Belong Together by Mariah Carey was the #1 song in the country

Wedding Crashers was the #1 film in the country

U.S. House votes to renew expiring Patriot Act

Danah Crisalida was born @ 6:32 am at Elmendorf AFB hospital Alaska. Making her appearance 5.5 weeks early!

Happy 4th Birthday baby girl. I love you!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The End

OK so I really need to finish up the wedding story but I've been a bit busy with a sick Roo and Green girls 30th birthday.

After I make it into the limo I have to ask the driver to take me to mom's car so it doesn't get towed. I know at this point the driver has to think I am the stupidest b*tch in the world. But at this point I don't give a shit what he thinks. I've been running my fat ass off all day and I'm tired, crabby, wearing a white bra (with my black dress because I forgot my black bra), and I haven't eaten ALL day. I'm all smiles because at my wedding no one helped me and it was terrible. I don't want my mom to remember her day that way...but I digress

Now, cars moved and we are heading to the ceremony. I need (more) beer. I ask; very nicely if we can stop for beer and the nice driver says no problem. All of us girls are in the limo taking photos and laughing.

We stop at the store; I look outside...You've got to be f-ing with me! I am in the HOOD. Shit so here I am in a huge ass limo with a nice dress on and this guys stops in the worst part of town so I can run in the store (with everyone staring at me) to get beer. Yeah; he hates me.
Either way. I need a Corona. Bad.

Store, beer, good. I come out and Aurora is gone. Now I'm not a very pat person to begin with so at this point I'm pretty much going to loose it. But mom says "you'll never believe it"
NOW what? "you forgot the flowers in the suite" Nah ha...there right... CRAP! Roo says "mom, I have to pee" Out of the limo we go. And just because the universe loves me that much the MFers at the store wouldn't let my 3yr old use the bathroom! Roo is almost crying and I'm trying to explain to her that we'll go to another store but she doesn't get it. She has to go now.
Aurora is back in the limo with as many roses as she could find at the grocery store making bouquets! Yes this is really happening. We get back on the road and it is dead stop traffic (well duh; it's 5pm on a Friday). I get Roo to the next store, we all go pee and take a smoke break. I don't even smoke and I'm sure we all looked very classy standing in a Chevron parking lot in bridal wear smoking cigs and making wedding bouquets out of grocery store roses. If I wasn't laughing I would have been crying. But I had my Corona and we where once again on the way.

This is about the time I get the WTF call from Hubby "Ummm; where are you girls?"
Me: "where stuck in traffic, haven't left Anchorage yet"
They took the news rather well and we made it drove right pass them to the outhouses. We all had to pee again from the beer drinking in the limo...and what a better time to take pictures!
LOL yes, I'm not making this shit up. The guys walk up to wear we are because they're confused; I tell them to get lost and we'll be down shortly.

Here we go. It's wedding time. Aurora is walking down to the creek with Roo and she starts freaking out because the wind is blowing away her flowers. Next thing is total break down mode. Luckily; Aurora has been with Roo since she was born so she just picked her up and moved it along. I had the honor of walking my mom down the 'isle' and it was so windy, Roo was crying and they got married!

It was a crazy day but it's over and it was great. The rest went off without a problem and we all had a great time. We where suppose to go out after dinner but didn't make it. We all hung in the suite drinking and dancing. It was perfect.

Congrat's Mike and Mom! I love you both.
Sorry about the flowers Big Sis. I know you put a lot of work into them; they where beautiful and we did take a lot of photos with them after the ceremony.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vacation Recap 2

So it's the BIG day. I'm trying to get my mom and her BFF and my Roo ready. The limo driver Anthony calls and I'm not even dressed, Aurora is dressed but not finished with make up.
I tell mom, Kathy and Roo to go and have a ride in the limo and I'll get really faster if no one is there. So I speed race with my hair/make up, squeeze into my Spanx (the best things invented) and put my dress on. Now keep in mind I have a black dress...but I didn't bring my black bra, so I try the dress with no bra - yeah NOT going to happen! Shit, shit, shit. So I freak out over this for about 5 mins, mom is blowing up my phone. Aurora leaves to move her car because it's parked at a meter (parking in downtown Anchorage sucks) At this point I don't care.

Now another thing I should have mentioned; when mom and Kathy left the room they took NOTHING. So image me, trying to bring the champagne, beer, purses, cameras and every other damn thing down to the limo where everyone else is waiting. I go out the wrong door of the hotel and have to walk 1/2 block around the building to fine the limo. At this point my feet are already killing me, I'm about to drop a bag with beer in it and I lost Aurora!

Oh and it gets worse...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vacation recap pt. 1

I’m not dead, call of the search and rescue teams…I’m here! It’s hard to believe it’s been over a month since I posted. There have been times when I’ve gone way longer than that; but when I started blogging again I told myself that I would post a least once a week. Guess that is not working out so much. I have all the usual excuses: work, kids, family, dogs – you get it!

I really have been busy though. My family headed to Alaska for my moms wedding. We left on June 17th and returned June 30th. It was a long trip but when you are traveling that far you have to take as much time as you can.
When we arrived in Alaska it was cold and rainy. I didn’t see the sun for 5+ days. We went to Seward and went camping on Father’s Day weekend. It rained on us the entire time! Hubby doesn’t really do the outdoorsy camping stuff; growing up in NYC and South Florida he never really had the opportunity. I on the other hand grew up at camp but camping in the rain sucks so we threw everything in the back of the truck, took Roo to the Sea life center (where she acted up and didn’t listen at all) then headed home. I was so tired because I had gone out the night before and then drank all day with mom and got kicked off the air mattress by Roo…I had a back ache and needed a bed!

The rest of that week we took it pretty easy. We went to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and saw all the animals, I took Roo on her first hike at Thunderbird Falls and she made me run it on the way back. Where she gets the energy; I don’t know but I need some. I went out a few times but nothing to major, except for the Tuesday night that I drank 6 long island ice teas and didn’t leave the house the next day. Of course this was the day the sun came out…thankfully Hubby took Roo to the park and to her old pre-school that day.

From then on it was wedding stuff. Thursday was spent running around getting our nails done and picking up last minute things. I also had to steam moms dress and pack everything up for the hotel. Friday I got us checked into the hotel at noon and had to get moms BFF and have the cake delivered to our room. Then I had to run around and get everything else together. My BFF got stuck at work and wasn’t there to help me as I had planned. I got mom, Roo and Kathy ready and the limo showed up! I wasn’t even dressed yet…

I’ll write more about the wedding day tomorrow. I will be at work while everyone else has the day off (I’m not complaining…well maybe a little) And I’m sorry to everyone I didn’t get a chance to see on my trip. I hope you all understand.