Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Getting Things Done and Black Friday

So my last post was a bucket list and I think you’d all be happy to know that I’ve already started working on my items. I got a copy of Rosetta Stones Learn Spanish to cross off my dream of becoming fluent in Spanish (you’d think this would be easier for me consittering my hubby is Columbian and didn’t learn English till he went to school – but that’s another blog). Granted I’ve only worked with the program for about 5 minutes but it seem very cool and hey at least I’m trying here!

I also enrolled in online classes and just have to take my assessment test. I should be started just have the New Year. I really wanted to quit my job and go back full time but that just wasn’t in the cards this year. Hopefully in September when Roo start’s Kindergarten I’ll be able to do that…

So even though I’m unable to go back full time I am trying to make an effort to at least take some classes and ease into it.

As I was looking back through the list #10 is seeing the Northern Lights. I lived in Alaska for 4 years – you’d think I’d have crossed that one off!

Hubby and Roo have been down in Florida so I went to my cousin’s house in Richmond for Thanksgiving. It was great to see them and their kids (and kids kids – wow we’re getting old)

I hadn’t seen them in 10 years! Now that we’ve caught up I need to make a point to get up there and visit more often.

I went shopping on Black Friday. I was home alone so I figured why not. I got up and was at J.C. Penny at 4am. I got a bunch of stuff for everyone and saved over $400.00 bucks so I was happy about that. I was in and out of the store in less than 30 minutes. I had made a list of what I wanted, grabbed my stuff and hit the checkout line! I then headed over to Target (there as a line around the building to get in) it was so windy out that when I opened my car door it almost hit the car next to me so I grabbed it really quick and dropped my iPhone and shattered the screen. I was so upset I cried in the Target parking lot. Then I got mad and went to Target to spend more money!

I finished most of my shopping but felt so guilty about my phone. When I got home I had to get ready for work (yes I worked the day after Thanksgiving) As I was getting ready to leave I started separating all the stuff by what was for who and noticed that a coat I had bought for Megs wasn’t there! The lady at Penny’s had forgotten to give it to me. I immediately called the store and they said I had to come in. I didn’t have time because I had to be to work. Now I was really upset!

There’s a happy ending in it though. My boss let me out of work early and I went to the store, they had my coat set aside for me and gave me no problems. Then I headed to the Apple store and bought myself a new iPhone! So I went shopping on Black Friday to save money but cancelled it out by breaking my phone…on the bright side I’m pretty much done Christmas shopping.

And Roo will be home TONIGHT!!!

I miss her tons.

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