Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Best Blog of 2009 Challenge

I know - it's shocking two blogs in ONE day?

HAHAHA but really after I posted today I went over to visit Heidi Rene and found The Best Blog of 2009 Challenge I only have like three people that actually read this blog but I figured it'd be fun and it would give me some new idea's on what to blog about..

Since I'm a day behind schedule here you get 2 days for the price of one...

December 1 Trip. What was your best trip in 2009?
This is a hard one because it's a toss up between driving across country with my mom from Alaska to Maine and going up to Alaska this summer for my moms wedding.
The drive across was my second trip but this time we drove out through Canada and the first time I drove to Washington state and took a ferry to Alaska. Also this was the first time my mom and I had been on a road trip together. We had a great time except for when I left my laptop in Haynes Alaska; didn't realize it till we where 100+ miles away and had to turn around to get it! HAHA good times.

OK - ummm I just realized this trip was in 2008! I guess my best trip in 2009 was going to Alaska for my moms wedding.

December 2 Restaurant moment. Share the best restaurant experience you had this year. Who was there? What made it amazing? What taste stands out in your mind?
I feel like I'm cheating but the best resturant experience this year would have to be the dinner after my moms wedding. It was held at The Crow's Nest on the top floor of the Captain Cook Hotel (where the couple had a suite). If you even get a chance to go to Anchoage Alaska this is a place you have to check out. It's amazing - I had reserved the back room of the resturant overlooking the bay. It was perfect we had our own wait staff, privacy and a wonderful view. It was the first time my mom and Mike had been there so it was even more special. The wine, food and company was amazing and the chef even made a special kid friendly meal for Roo.

Stay tuned for tomorrow (I think this one is going to be hard)

1 comment:

Heidi Renée said...

Oh, cool--I'm glad you're doing this too! Your cross-country trip was even more hardcore than mine.