Friday, January 22, 2010


Yeah so pretty much suck at Blogging lately. It’s been so long since my last ‘real’ blog that I’m ashamed.
Oh well – so things are crazy here but what else is new? Christmas was wonderful expect my mom didn’t get her present until the Monday after Christmas which really pissed me off. Roo got way to much stuff and is totally spoiled. We had to go through her play room and purge some junk to fit all her new crap and it’s still so cluttered. I’m planning on rearranging it someday when I have time.
New Years was good. We had about 15 peps over to the house, stayed home, played games and drank lots of wine. Just after New Years hubby left for Alabama. He’s still there and won’t be home till mid February. He missed our 7 year anniversary (which was Monday) but sent me these beautiful flowers.

A friend that I grew up with and now lives in D.C came down to see me this past weekend so that was nice but it made me realize that I’m a pretty lucky girl. Roo is fairly well behaved and never gives anyone but me and her dad much of a problem. My friends little girl is six and she is VERY strong minded.
I signed Roo up for swim classes and tomorrow will be our 3rd week. She’s doing great and I’m hoping that she’ll be swimming this summer. Other than that it’s work, home, dogs, chores, sleep and more work! It’s been very cold here and I can’t wait for it to warm up a bit.

I’m also signed up to do the 2010 Polar Plunge on February 6th at Virginia Beach. All the money that’s raised goes to the Special Olympics. Check out my fundraising page at and if you can please donate. NO amount is too small.

Till next time…

1 comment:

calicobebop said...

I go through blogging phases where first I'm like "I have tons to say!" and then I'm like "I have tons to do and don't have time for this shit."

I TOTALLY know how you feel about Roo's toys - Muffin is out. of. control. Must edit - and soon!