Friday, April 10, 2009

Trying New Things

Yesterday was a day of first for me. I went to the gym right after work; I’ve gone every day this week because I didn’t get to go at all last week due to a sick Roo. See 90% of the time when I go to the gym I have to bring her with me. On Tuesday’s and Friday’s Hubby goes to play cards and most of the other days she wants to come with me. The kid zone at my gym is pretty awesome.

But I’m getting off subject. Yesterday I took a Flow Yoga class:

I have never done yoga before and it was a bit harder than I thought it would be. At first I didn’t think I was going to like it because we where just doing all this breathing and shit but then when we got into it and had to hold those moves….yeah it was pretty hard. I work muscles in my core that I didn’t know I had. My legs aren’t sore because I run (or attempt to) and do a body sculpting class but my arms, abs and back are feeling it today. I am a lot more flexible than I thought I was!
After the yoga class we did a 30min abs attack class. I thought I was going to die but we make it through. I tried to talk A into going for a run after but she laughed at me (I’ll get her there).

After the gym we went to a tanning salon. I can’t go in tanning beds and if I’m out in the sun I have to wear 55spf sunscreen but I’m sick of being soooo pale. I wanted to look into spray tanning. Again, I’ve never spray tanned before so I was very nervous. I made A do it too so if it was horrible I’d have someone to be miserable with. She’s a good sport and agreed. I went first because I thought I’d chicken out if I didn’t. It was freeeeezzzzziiiinnnnggggg
But that was the worst of it and Roo was in the waiting room with A yelling “mom are you naked in there?” and “do you have your panties on yet?” and “mom, mom, mom” x100
I noticed a difference right away but the girl said it take about 8 hours to set. So it was A’s turn and Roo got to yell “Miss A, are you done yet?” for the next 10 minutes. (Next time we’re leaving her @ home!) All the girls at the salon thought she was very cute and she hammed it up of course.

So all and all I love the spray tan, it’s not overly dramatic but I see the difference. I also learned a few things for when I go back next time!

I’m skipping the gym tonight and heading to Joe’s Crab Shack to sit on the desk and drink Margarita’s (they even have a playground for Roo). Happy Friday and Happy Easter. I’ll post pics of Roo in her Easter dress next week


Samsmama said...

I'm really thinking about spray tan. I'm blindingly pale. But what did you learn?

Crazy Charm said...

Of all the different workouts I've ever done (cough, used to do), I've always thought yoga to be the most effective in total body health.