Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Summer Challenge

Most of you that know me, know that I have been working very had other the last month to get back in shape and to Pre-Roo weight. I lost almost 10 lbs in February and want to keep it up.
I have joined in on The Summer Challenge. I found this blog and decided what the heck!

I am inviting all of you to join me on my summer challenge, to lose 30 lbs by June 1, 2009. If you don't want to join the Challenge that's alright to, but please come here to follow my progress and cheer me on! Those of you that would like to join (by Sunday) email:
so she can add you to the roster. A few of us are pitching some prize money in for the girl who loses the most weight.

So I am pretty synced that I already down 10lbs and looking forward to the Challenge ahead. Especially because I totally cheated all weekend (and last night). I went to Cycle class Tuesday and then did some light arm weights after. Yesterday I did nothing...but I had bible study so at least I had a good excuse!

But today is a new day! Going to Bodypump class today and maybe a little cardio after that?


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