Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Roo update

Still dealing with a sick Roo here; Saturday night was horrible and I ended up sleeping with her so I could make sure she was still breathing. She was coughing and had to get up twice for breathing treatments. I also started her back on Prednisone which is an oral steroid used to treat sever asthma among other things. We have an asthmas action plan worked out with Roo’s Pediatric Pulmonologist and when she enters the ‘yellow’ zone we administer prednisone at home once a day for 3-5 days. I hate this.

First Roo fights it because it tastes really really bad (yes I have tasted a drop to see). She calls it the yucky medicine and tells me that she isn’t sick and won’t cough anymore! Second; I think that if Roo’s asthma is acting up enough for her to be taking oral steroids then she should be seen by a doctor. I Alaska they would have to administer the prednisone at the doctors office or in the ER and monitor Roo’s progress for four hours before making a decision to send her home or admit her…

Yesterday morning first thing I called her Pulmonologist to have her seen (per their action plan). Yeah; the first available appointment…April 27th! WTF? They tell me to call her Pediatrician and have her seen there. I call them; no appointments available. The tech tells me that she can get her in tomorrow but I insist she has to be seen today. Blah blah blah they put me on hold, I talk to a nurse and she can be seen at 3pm…grrrrr OK

So hubby is taking her to the doc because I’m at my favorite place…I call him and have him write down word for word everything I tell him about since she has been sick, medicine giving, dates, times. He brings her in and the doc hears something in Roos’ left lung. After x-rays Roo is diagnosed with pneumonia. They prescribe her antibiotics and tell hubby to keep up with breathing treatments and steroids for 3 more days. AND get this; she fine to go to preschool and dance class today!

Roo was up at 4am this morning coughing away. I’m tired and I hate doctors right now.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've been Missing In Action lately. Things have been busy (but they always are); mostly I'm just being an overly sensitive bitch. When I get in my moods I really don't want to deal with anyone.

Last week Roo wasn't feeling well but Thursday night it turned ugly. I knew I was in for it when she came home from school and literally didn't move off the couch. She looked exhausted and was coughing constantly. Out came the nebulizer and Albuterol! I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this little machine.

Here's some history for those of you that don't know: Roo got sick when she was about 6 months old. Daycare called and asked that I come and pick her up because she wasn't feeling well. I get her home and make her an appointment for the next day. Roo got worse and worse through that night. I thought she had a cold; I'm a new mom and honestly didn't' really know better. So we get to Pediatrics the next morning and her doc listens to her lungs. It becomes apparent to me rather quickly that something is very wrong. The next thing I know they have all these machines hooked to her to monitor her breathing - and she stops breathing! They have her on oxygen and albuterol (an inhaled steroid). I think I went into shock about now. Once they got her stable and breathing again they admitted us into the hospital. They took x-rays of her lungs and ran tons of test. They couldn't' find anything wrong with her. The had her hooked to a machine that monitored her heart rate and it would keep dropping. All the nurses and docs would run in...it was horrible. On top of all this we had to keep her on breathing treatments every 2 hours just to keep her breathing normally. After 4 days of this we got to go home and Roo was hooked to a machine when she slept that would set an alarm off if she stopped breathing.

We went though this same scenario off and on for another year. They sent us to heart specialist who said nothing was wrong with her heart. They gave her so many EKG's I can't even count them all. They put tubes in her ears, it helped but she'd be fine; but when she got sick we'd be back in the ER and then admitted.

At this point I was at risk of loosing my job. Roo got sick again. I was numb to it and brought her to Pediatrics. I was unable to get in to see her doctor and the doc who saw us wouldn't listen to me when I was trying to tell her about Roo's condition. By the time I finally got someone to listen to me they couldn't get her stable. They called in the EMT's from the Children's Hospital who came in and transported Roo and I do the Children's Hospital via ambulance. Once there; they admitting Roo into Peds ICU. They brought in all the children's specialist and finally diagnosed Roo with sever respiratory distress. The hospital got Roo to see the correct specialist and that was the last time we've been admitted.

Hubby and I gave Roo breathing treatments with a nebulizer 2x a day for almost 2 years.

As she has grown out of it we've moved to an inhaler 2x a day but when she gets sick or has an attack...we get to go back to the nebulizer treatments.

So that's how I spent most of my weekend. Breathing treatments every 4 hours...

I have to say; for everything she's been through Roo is a trooper about it all. She can take her inhaler on her own and once I get the nebulizer set up she can do that by herself to. She still goes to a specialist every 2 or 3 months and probably will for a long time.

Unless people know about her asthma; they'd never guess. She's just like any other almost 4 year old little girl (we just have to take a few more precautions with her). Yesterday she went to the gym with me (my gym has a kids zone that is very cool) we had to park way, way, way back in the parking lot. So she says "mom, lets run" huh? OK. Off we go. We're running along and she slows down.

Roo - "I'm getting tired mom"

Me - "OK, lets walk"

a few steps late

Roo - "I have to catch my breaths cause sometimes it hurts when I try to breath"

Me - "I know, baby, I know" as I fight back tears.

This is one of the saddest things she's ever said to me.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The longest week; ever

I swear; (huh; I really do...but anyway) this is the longest week EVER. It's dragging by and I just want it to be over. I'm pretty sure that I am just crabby because the weather has totally sucked and it's been raining forever. Yesterday it got nice out and this morning it wasn't bad - but I just looked outside (yeah they stick me in an office with NO windows) and it's dark clouds. Weather report for tomorrow:

Forecast - Friday
6am 42°F Feels like 37°F
8am 41°F Feels like 34°F
10am 43°F Feels like 36°F
12pm 45°F Feels like 38°F
2pm 46°F Feels like 39°F
4pm 45°F Feels like 38°F

Sunrise: 7:09 AM Sunset: 7:18 PM

AND - you guessed it...RAIN. aaahhhhhgggggg
It's the first day of spring tomorrow
I know I shouldn't complain. My mom called me yesterday and it was 12°F in Anchorage AK; but shit, that's why I MOVED.

Ok enough bitching about the weather. I am sore as hell though but pretty proud of myself - I ran last night. I could only go .25 miles before I had to stop and walk for a min but then I started right back up running again. And even when I walked I kept it at a fast pace with the treadmill at an incline. I did 25 mins and could have gone longer but I went to body pump class. 100 + squats later...


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Your Leprechaun Name Is: Lucky Potfiller

Top of the mornin' to ya, Patty!

Lucky Potfiller - this cracked me up. Yeah, yeah I know; it doesn't take much! But seriously if you knew me in high school (before my military days) this would be totally hilarious!

Mom's getting married

My mom and her BF Mike are getting married this summer in Alaska. This means me, hubby and Roo will be flying up to AK in June. Although I am excited about the trip, seeing my mom and my Alaska friends; it's kinda stressing me out. AND planning a Alaska wedding from VA sucks ass.
I already knew it would, I mean John and I got married in Maine and I planned that wedding from VA. It's harder now because Alaska doesn't have all the same stores as the rest of the United States! They just got a Target!
My mom found a dress she loved online. She hummmed and haaaed over it for a while (showed it to Mike - who wasn't suppose to see the dress) but we bought it yesterday. I love it! She's going to look so amazing. We also have the guest list pretty much done (yeah there's only 10 people so that wasn't very hard).

Next on the list:
Hotel Room

Oh yeah and I still need to buy my plane tickets and get MY dress! LOL

I have also been asked to be the Maid of Honor at Crystal's wedding. She's lucky I love her and excepted cause I don't like being in weddings, I'd rather just attended and get inappropriately drunk at the receptions...
But once her and Chris set a date I'll be planning that one too!

I should change careers and be a party/wedding planner...yeah RIGHT!

OH BTW; here's the dress:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Me...one way...NO?


When you're confronted with a problem, you know exactly how you want to handle it.

You are decisive and act quickly. Once you get the ball rolling, you don't change course.

You can be a bit stubborn at times, but you have reason to be. You're often right.

You are unwavering and brave. You do what needs to be done, even if it isn't popular.

See this proves it...I'm stubborn but at least I am right! LOL

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Myspace blog vs. Blogger

I have been blogging here and there on Myspace since January 2006, I moved to Blogger for a short while in 2007 when one of the jobs I was working had Myspace blocked.

Now I'm back! Not because anything is block, because; I've been following (and commenting on some) blogs here, then I am doing the summer weight loss challenge thing; which I hope you're not getting tired of hearing about...but I want to Norfolk for Tubro Jam class today. Hard workout. The Ab part killed me after my Ab Sculpting on Thursday.

Anyway, I like it and hope that some people will move this way from my Myspace blog.

Some of my Myspace followers are complaining. Guess they miss me over there.
I'm trying to drag them overt his way but looking that I only have one comment and it wasn't' ever from a Myspace friend. (thanks Matter of Fact Mommy)

Well guys come on over...I'm not coming back

By the way; the TV show Kath and Kim totally sucks. Why the fuck do I watch this shit?


Friday, March 13, 2009

Roo Interview

Matter of Fact Mommy did this with her son. I stole it and did an interview with Roo tonight.
These are her answers, I haven't edited them at all.

1. What is something mom always says to you? – Listen (she’s got me there)
2. What makes mom happy? - Listening (do we see a trend here?)
3. What makes mom sad? - Not listening (Okay this is getting bad)
4. How does your mom make you laugh? - Silly words (I was getting worried it would have something to do with listening)
5. What did your mom like to do when she was a child? - Play
6. How old is your mom? - 26 (she's right)
7. How tall is your mom? - this big (with her arms soooo far apart)
8. What is her favorite thing to do? - work...you know, with your computer (ummm; not really little one)
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? - Look for me (yeah the world revolves around her)
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? - My little girl (I'll be famous for her. LOL)
11. What is your mom really good at? - Working
12. What is your mom not very good at? - Doing the game (not sure where she was going with this one)
13. What does your mom do for her job? - Work, work our computer (I'm an IT girl, she knows I work on computers)
14. What is your mom's favorite food? - turkey, like a real turkey, gobble - gobble
15. What makes you proud of your mom? - Oh, listen (we're back to this)
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? - No, no, no, no more. I have to go to the ball (she runs into her playroom)

We continue when she runs back in with her Princess dress

17. What do you and your mom do together? - Fix everything (she means fixing the house as in cleaning it)
18. How are you and your mom the same? - Love
19. How are you and your mom different? - Clean the house (yeah she likes to make a mess and I get to clean it)
20. How do you know your mom loves you? - Kisses
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? - When he brings me to school (I do like him when he helps me)
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? - Work (man, do I work to much?)

I am beginning the think I tell her to listen to much, and I obviously work way to much!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

These people are CRAZY

When we moved to Virginia I wasn't working, so I was hitting the gym 5+ days a week trying to lose the 50+ lbs I gained living in Alaska (and having a baby).
I started working again in Jun 2008. From Jun 2008 - Feb 2009 I gained 16lbs back from what I had lost! All these people do is eat. It's crazy. So in Feb I decided to really start hitting the gym again and watching what I eat. I've lost 10lbs of the 16lbs I had gained but I have a lot more to go. AND I can't really post anymore of my weight loss because of the summer challenge I'm doing. http://psgsummerchallenge.blogspot.com/

Today we had a conference in our Learning Center and lunch was provided. One of the girls I work with came over to tell me that there was some food left in the kitchen. The catering company makes this killer pasta salad so I went over to get a small bowl of it. The kitchen was packed! Everyone was trying to get in there to get what was left over of the brownies, pasta salad and sandwiches. So OK that's fine, it's late afternoon, everyone is hungry...but there is one lady how is filling up bowls and plates FULL of food and wrapping it up on tinfoil. WTF; their are people who want to eat it here and she is packing it up to take home??? So I go to get a bowl of the pasta salad; there's not much left (which I am thinking is a good thing so I don't pig out) and she snatches up the bowl and empties it. I swear; I wanted to punch her in the face. It didn't help that this lady is a total bitch at work. She's the type that you can walk by and say hello and she'll give you a dirty look like she doesn't know who you are. She's worked here for like 100 years and dresses like my grandmother would in 1960. (that was mean, but now I'm hungry and pissed)!

I work with a bunch of crazy people, I'm sure you'll hear more about them soon enough.

So no afternoon snack for me, I guess she did me a favor cause I didn't need to eat it anyway...but still! I guess I'll just grab an apple on the way to the gym tonight. Body Pump tonight - it's hard.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Body Pump Class

Yesterday was a crazy busy day (just like every other day). I worked all day and had to run home on my lunch break to let me dogs out because after work I had to go get Roo and head straight to the gym. I took a Body Pump class for the first time. I posted a description from the class below from the gym's website:

A group barbell class that challenges every major muscle in your body. Ten stationary routines using weights and music, strengthen and tone in record time. Speeds metabolism for fat burning.

My friend from work was going to go with me but she bailed because she had some other stuff to take care of. So here I am in this class that I have never been to...lost. I have no idea what I am doing and this class is packed. I find a spot in the way back of the room, grab the same equipment as the girls around me and wait. The instructor ask if there is anyone new to the class, of course my hand is the only one that goes up. She hands me some papers and off we go!
At first I was thinking, this is great; I like weights. Then the squats began. We did 110 of them...with weights. And lunges - more than 50; I lost count when my knees started giving out.
Thank god for the lady beside me, she would tell me when to use the lighter weights and how to hold the bar! This class was a full body workout for sure. My legs and bum as sooo sore; I have been wattling around all day. My arms aren't that bad surprisingly.

After the gym I still had to get Roo home, fed and in the bath. But I got it all done and even though I am sore I feel great for pushing myself and trying something new. I was going to go to Cycle class tonight but I think I need a break and I can always to my elliptical at home if my legs are feeling better later.

Tomorrow I am going to try Turbo Jam...wish me luck.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Summer Challenge

Most of you that know me, know that I have been working very had other the last month to get back in shape and to Pre-Roo weight. I lost almost 10 lbs in February and want to keep it up.
I have joined in on The Summer Challenge. I found this blog and decided what the heck!

I am inviting all of you to join me on my summer challenge, to lose 30 lbs by June 1, 2009. If you don't want to join the Challenge that's alright to, but please come here to follow my progress and cheer me on! Those of you that would like to join (by Sunday) email: plus_sized_confessions@yahoo.com
so she can add you to the roster. A few of us are pitching some prize money in for the girl who loses the most weight.

So I am pretty synced that I already down 10lbs and looking forward to the Challenge ahead. Especially because I totally cheated all weekend (and last night). I went to Cycle class Tuesday and then did some light arm weights after. Yesterday I did nothing...but I had bible study so at least I had a good excuse!

But today is a new day! Going to Bodypump class today and maybe a little cardio after that?


I'm back

It has been forever since I posted here. I've been doing the Myspace blog thing for a while now but have made the choice to move back. Mostly because I am hooked on so many other blogs and I've been trolling the the background for to long.
So here's my coming out! The Myspace blog is private so I know only my friends are reading. This is different for me, so please be gentle.