Thursday, December 10, 2009
I have an iPod and an iPhone; I haven’t bought a CD in years. If there is a song I like I go an iTunes and by the song…Some that I really like this year are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Kings of Leon and Seether.
My music taste are all over the place; I like any type of music except classical. Hubby laughs at me all the time because my iPod is filled with every different genre. Right now I’m in Christmas music mode. All day everyday!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Peace and Challenges
Moment of peace? In my life? Phleeeaaassseee! I have a husband, a four year old and two dogs. AND I work full time as a Information Technology Consultant – No peace for me!
Seriously though – Hubby and Roo just left me for nine days and I was home alone so that’s about all the solitude I got this year (and it’s just fine with me). My moments of peace where some of the most hectic days. New Years Eve celebration at my house, surrounded by wonderful friends and drinking expensive champagne. Memorial Day in Washington D.C. Going to Alaska for two weeks this summer, camping in the rain. Being at my nieces 2nd birthday party…these weren’t times of solitude but they were moments of peace spent with people that I love.
December 9 Challenge. Something that really made you grow this year. That made you go to your edge and then some. What made it the best challenge of the year for you?
2009 has not been an extremely challenging year for my family. We’ve had our ups and downs but Roo has bee healthier this year with her asthma than any other. No one close to us has died (knock on wood) I haven’t had to move and we are all still employed.
The biggest thing I have struggled with this year is my weight. I’ve never lost the weight from Roo and it’s been hard for me. This continues to be a challenge for me and hopefully I’ll have more luck in 2010. Another issue I’ve struggled with this year is getting out of debt. It’s hard work and takes a lot of effort but we are using a cash only system now. If we can’t pay cash for it, we’re not buying it! I paid off both of our cars this year so we’re moving in the right direction.
Monday, December 7, 2009
TBBo2009C - 5-7
December 5 Night out. Did you have a night out with friends or a loved one that rocked your world? Who was there? What was the highlight of the night?
WOW – this is a hard one. I’ve had so many great nights out this year. I’d have to say that one stands out in my mind. June 5th 2009 – New Kids on the Block concert in Virginia Beach. I had heard about this show and a group of us where planning to go. We where waiting to get tickets because we weren’t sure who was going.
The day of the concert I get an email from our receptionist, one of our clients had VIP box seats and parking passes for the show. I was on the phone so fast I didn’t even read the entire email. I was the first caller and he told me to come and pick up the tickets! Oh man was I excited. The night of the show it was down pouring and we all wore sneakers jeans and Hubby’s military GORE-TEX jackets. We where late for the show and missed the first two acts but we didn’t care. We all hung out in the VIP bar and then made our way to the box seats, where we had a waitress to get our drinks.
It was a wonderful night spent with Hubby, Miah, Megs, Lexa, Green Girl and a couple other girls that didn’t sit with us but where friends of friends. The entire night was one big highlight but one of my favorite parts was Green Girl and Miah singing an NKOTB duet. Ohhh the fun!
This also kicked off our summer concerts this year!
December 6 Workshop or conference. Was there a conference or workshop you attended that was especially beneficial? Where was it? What did you learn?
Hubby and I attended a Love and Respect couples class at our church this year, the basic philosophy is taken from the Bible. We weren’t having any problems in our relationship but it seem like an informative class and we decided to take it. I was surprised at how good it was. First thing I enjoyed about the workshop was they worked a lot of humor into it. You didn’t have to sit there and listen to some doctor tell you what a bad spouse you where!
The best lesson I learned was the Crazy Cycle. The Crazy Cycle teaches couples that they do not have the same fundamental needs. Most woman are satisfied, motivated and fulfilled by unconditional love from her husband, a husband is fulfilled and motivated by unconditional respect from his wife. If either spouse is denied this basic need, disaster is imminent. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs calls this reality the “crazy cycle;” a cycle that will spin toward divorce.
The bottom line is if a husband doesn’t show his wife love the wife doesn’t show her husband respect. They work against each other until they separate or someone changes. One of the questions that was brought up at the workshop was who should change. If my husband showed my love I’d show him respect and if my wife respected me I’d love her…well Dr Eggerich made a good point on who should ‘change’ first; the most mature person! Oh this got lots of laughs.
The Crazy Cycle won’t stop over night but if you try to make small changes your spouse will see that and do the same. I strongly encourage anyone that’s married and even engaged to look into this conference or check out some of the books Dr Eggerich and his wife Sarah have written.
Ephesians 5:22-25; 31-33
Wives and Husbands
22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
December 7 Blog find of the year. That gem of a blog you can't believe you didn't know about until this year.
I’m still a new Blogger. I just started posting regularly in March of 2009. I don’t have many readers but one person really kept me motivated when she would vist and comment on my blog. Matter of Fact Mommy; although she’s not around anymore (and we miss her) she was sooo funny.
Another blogger that I love and is a loyal reader/commenter on my blog is calicobebop
She has a wonderful blog and we have quite a bit in common so she is always a fun read. Go check her out.
Jaci is usually pretty good for a laugh too, although she’s deleted her blog like three times this year she always come back (thank god!)
Whew – Ok hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the rest of the week.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Day 4
I love to read so I have a few favorite books that I love to share with others but of this year my favorite book is Daily Steps for God Chicks: The 90-Day Devotional for Real Women. I grew up going to Catholic Church and never really enjoyed it. I liked going with my friend to the Baptist church where they sang fun songs and had great food after service. I stopped going to church when I was old enough to make the decision. I went back to church while I was in basic training but other than that I never practiced a structured religion.
After Roo was born I decided that I wanted to start bringing her to church. We found a nice nondenominational church close to our house in Alaska and we went occasionally (Easter and Christmas). When we moved to VA I looked for a church and attended a few services but didn’t find anywhere that I liked.
A friend took me to her church one Sunday and it was a good fit. Roo and I attend service regularly and I was officially baptized on Mother’s Day 2009.
This book was written by Holly Wagner while she was going through treatment of breast cancer. It’s an easy read for women who are looking for a closer relationship with God and aren’t sure where to start. The daily steps are easy and really get you thinking about life and your relationship with God.
The book as touched me because it’s opened my eyes up, given my daily bible verses and devotionals. I read this book at home and haven’t bought a copy for anyone else…yet!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Day 3
December 3 Article. What's an article that you read that blew you away? That you shared with all your friends. That you Delicious'd and reference throughout the year.
OK - I'll be honest I love to read but trying to pin point a specific article has been difficult for me.
So I cheated. It's not really an article as much as it's a news story. I'm sure you all remember the big uproar about the man carrying an assault riffle to an Obama rally. I found the different views on this news story shocking. First I want to you read to news article here.
You can clearly see in the photo that the man carrying the gun is a black man.
How watch this take from MSNBC...pretty cleaver editing they have going on there. Amazing how they make it look like a white man is carrying the gun.
First let me start by saying I support out 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I could care less if the President is a black man or a Green man for that matter! All I care about is that he is making the best choices for our country and our military. Secondly, I think the media is very bias on their views and try to distort the truth to what fits their agenda. I hate they way they do not support our troops - when my husband was serving in Iraq he said that one of the hardest things to watch was the news because they where constantly negative about the efforts there.
I know this one can be a touchy subject and I try to stay away from politics but this is a story that stood out to me. We need to educate ourselves and our children to make their own decisions.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Best Blog of 2009 Challenge
HAHAHA but really after I posted today I went over to visit Heidi Rene and found The Best Blog of 2009 Challenge I only have like three people that actually read this blog but I figured it'd be fun and it would give me some new idea's on what to blog about..
Since I'm a day behind schedule here you get 2 days for the price of one...
December 1 Trip. What was your best trip in 2009?
This is a hard one because it's a toss up between driving across country with my mom from Alaska to Maine and going up to Alaska this summer for my moms wedding.
The drive across was my second trip but this time we drove out through Canada and the first time I drove to Washington state and took a ferry to Alaska. Also this was the first time my mom and I had been on a road trip together. We had a great time except for when I left my laptop in Haynes Alaska; didn't realize it till we where 100+ miles away and had to turn around to get it! HAHA good times.
OK - ummm I just realized this trip was in 2008! I guess my best trip in 2009 was going to Alaska for my moms wedding.
December 2 Restaurant moment. Share the best restaurant experience you had this year. Who was there? What made it amazing? What taste stands out in your mind?
I feel like I'm cheating but the best resturant experience this year would have to be the dinner after my moms wedding. It was held at The Crow's Nest on the top floor of the Captain Cook Hotel (where the couple had a suite). If you even get a chance to go to Anchoage Alaska this is a place you have to check out. It's amazing - I had reserved the back room of the resturant overlooking the bay. It was perfect we had our own wait staff, privacy and a wonderful view. It was the first time my mom and Mike had been there so it was even more special. The wine, food and company was amazing and the chef even made a special kid friendly meal for Roo.
Stay tuned for tomorrow (I think this one is going to be hard)
Getting Things Done and Black Friday
I also enrolled in online classes and just have to take my assessment test. I should be started just have the New Year. I really wanted to quit my job and go back full time but that just wasn’t in the cards this year. Hopefully in September when Roo start’s Kindergarten I’ll be able to do that…
So even though I’m unable to go back full time I am trying to make an effort to at least take some classes and ease into it.
As I was looking back through the list #10 is seeing the Northern Lights. I lived in Alaska for 4 years – you’d think I’d have crossed that one off!
Hubby and Roo have been down in Florida so I went to my cousin’s house in Richmond for Thanksgiving. It was great to see them and their kids (and kids kids – wow we’re getting old)
I hadn’t seen them in 10 years! Now that we’ve caught up I need to make a point to get up there and visit more often.
I went shopping on Black Friday. I was home alone so I figured why not. I got up and was at J.C. Penny at 4am. I got a bunch of stuff for everyone and saved over $400.00 bucks so I was happy about that. I was in and out of the store in less than 30 minutes. I had made a list of what I wanted, grabbed my stuff and hit the checkout line! I then headed over to Target (there as a line around the building to get in) it was so windy out that when I opened my car door it almost hit the car next to me so I grabbed it really quick and dropped my iPhone and shattered the screen. I was so upset I cried in the Target parking lot. Then I got mad and went to Target to spend more money!
I finished most of my shopping but felt so guilty about my phone. When I got home I had to get ready for work (yes I worked the day after Thanksgiving) As I was getting ready to leave I started separating all the stuff by what was for who and noticed that a coat I had bought for Megs wasn’t there! The lady at Penny’s had forgotten to give it to me. I immediately called the store and they said I had to come in. I didn’t have time because I had to be to work. Now I was really upset!
There’s a happy ending in it though. My boss let me out of work early and I went to the store, they had my coat set aside for me and gave me no problems. Then I headed to the Apple store and bought myself a new iPhone! So I went shopping on Black Friday to save money but cancelled it out by breaking my phone…on the bright side I’m pretty much done Christmas shopping.
And Roo will be home TONIGHT!!!
I miss her tons.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bucket List
This is no where near complete but here goes.
Bucket List:
1. Run a marathon
2. Become fluent in Spanish
3. Visit Ireland
4. Take a photography class
5. Finish my degree
6. Learn to play the drums
7. Go sky diving
8. Go scuba diving
9. Visit the Grand Canon
10. See the Northern Lights
11. Visit New York City
12. Vegas Baby!
13. Visit Chicago
14. Travel to all 50 states (I’ve been to 31 so far)
15. Go on a cruise
16. Create a trust fund for Roo
17. Attend a New England Patriots football game
18. Attend a Boston Red Sox baseball game at Fenway Park
19. Lose 50lbs
20. Adopted a needy child
21. Swim in the Pacific Ocean
22. Live in another country
23. Pin on Hubby’s stripes when he makes E9
24. Learn how to drive a motorcycle
25. Attend the Price is Right game show
26. Let go of the past
27. Pay off all my debt
28. Read the entire Bible
29. Be a contestant on The Amazing Race
30. Be the maid of honor at my sisters wedding
31. Own a beach house
1. Drive across the country (did this twice)
2. Mt Rushmore
3. Washington DC
4. Key West
5. Alaska
6. Drove through Denali National Park
7. Niagara Falls
8. Visited Mexico
9. Visited Jamaica and climbed a waterfall
10. Pikes Market in Seattle
11. The Space Needle
12. Been at the start of an Iditarod Dog Race
13. Becoming a mother
14. Gave my mom away at her wedding
15. Deep sea fishing
16. Learn to drive a stick shift
17. Own a home
18. Get a tattoo (I have 7 and want more)
19. Served in the military
20. Quite smoking (2.5 years now)
21. Have my grandfather give me away at my wedding
In my near future:
1. Bringing Roo to Disney World
What are somthings you want to do before you die?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Things that piss me off
Here are some things that piss me off (in no particular order):
Then you see parents out with their children and they have coats/sweaters/gloves/shoes on and their kids don’t! WTF is wrong with you? If you are cold enough to be covered up then but a damn sweater on your kid.
Girls who wear their hair down at the gym. Now if your hair is not long enough to tie back OK that’s fine but I see women at the gym with hair down past their shoulders doing cardio. I don’t get it. My hair has to be off my neck, I’m sweating my ass off at the gym. Pull your hair back – it’s gross! Also the ones that come to the gym to socialize. There is one girl I see there that I have never seen work out her and her friends sit around and talk for an hour.
The word irregardless. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this one before but I really hate that word.
Cars with huge spoilers. You look like a douche. Enough said
I can’t loose weight. It is crazy, I eat well and I work out 4 days a week. I work full time and have two dogs and a 4 year old. I’m not lazy…WTF I can’t loose weight. I feel like its hopeless how can someone how works out as hard as I do not loose weight. It’s not even how much I weight. I could be 300lbs for all I care I just want to shed this fat. What am I doing wrong? It was never this hard before I had Roo
When someone asks you a question then doesn’t listen to the answer. That is rude, just don’t talk to me then.
People who stand to close to me. Give me some personal space please
Shitty servers. Why do you work at a restaurant if you suck at your job? We had the worst service when we went out to breakfast Sunday morning. She brought me coffee. No cream, they didn’t have any. I saw cream on every other table. She brings biscuits. No butter. I ask her for butter and she forgot. She brings my eggs. I ask for hot sauce. They don’t have any; again is see hot sauce on 4 other tables. Maybe she just didn’t like me? It really sucked and the food wasn’t that good either.
User that call me to say their printers aren’t working and they’ve tried EVERYTHING. I get there and it’s out of paper! Most of the time it’s women who do this.
Pumping gas. I will drive around on E I hate pumping gas. I will take hubby’s car and leave him mine. I really hate pumping gas. BTW, on the way to work this morning my gas light came on (sigh)
People who are way to into their pets. I have two dogs and we’ve had them since we first started dating. I love my dogs. I drove to Alaska and back because I wouldn’t put them on a plane. I get it. I love my dogs but some people are crazy with this. IT’S A PET. They don’t need to have more clothes than you. They don’t need their own room and no I don’t want to see photos of them dressed up from Halloween.
Tattle-tails. Didn’t your mom ever teach you it is not nice to tattle?
Speaking of moms. Shitty moms piss me off. Take care of your kids. They come before you job, your boyfriend, best friend, and everything else. AND stop sending your sick kids to school/daycare. You get the rest of our kids sick and that pisses me off.
People who’ve never served in our military making decisions for those serving. Enlist or if you’re to old to enlist, sent your kids then you can ‘vote’ on their raises, cost of living, benefits and sending them away from their families for years at a time. I think your opinions may change a bit when you’re in their shoes.
And while I’m talking about the military, I’m sick of hearing the bitching about deploying. I get it, it sucks I know but we have an all volunteer force. You are in the MILITARY. That is what we do! We fight wars (even if we don’t believe in them) Everyone’s has had an enlistment end since September 11th, if you don’t like the military and don’t support the war…GET OUT. To the rest of you; thank you for everything you do for this country and I’m sorry you’re not told that enough.
The fact that I've been out of the military for over 4 years and haven't gone back to school.
Last but not least. Living so far away from my family. I feel like my niece is growing up without me and Godsons don’t even know who I am.
Whew; I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent. Hope everyone has a great week.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Over the top and Veteran's Day
The Rules:
USE ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think. Copy and change the answers to suit yourself and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers so try your best.
Let all of your blogger friends know that you think they are 'Over the Top'!
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2.Your hair? Crazy
3. Your mother? Alaska
4. Your father? Heaven
5. Your favorite food? Mexican
6. Your dream last night? Specific
7. Your favorite drink? Vodka
8. Your dream/goal? Happiness
9. What room are you in? Office
10. Your hobby? Reading
11. Your fear? Loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Successful
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Quiet
15. Muffins? Yum
16. Wish list item? Vacation
17. Where did you grow up? Maine
18. Last thing you did? Work
19. What are you wearing? Shoes
20. Your TV? Big
21. Your pets? Dogs
22. Friends? Laughing
23. Your life? Busy
24. Your mood? Meh
25. Missing someone? YES
26. Vehicle? Pathfinder
27. Something you’re not wearing? Necklace
28. Your favorite store? J. C. Penny
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? Morning
31. Last time you cried? Friday
32. Your best friend? Heidi
33. One place that I go to over and over? Work
34. One person who emails me regularly? Sis
35. Favorite place to eat? Plaza Azteca
So there it is! Everyone I know has probably been tagged with it before, if not please give it a try.
Happy Veteran's Day!
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween and more
After work I had to get home and get Roo ready in her Cinderella costume. Hubs work had an event on base so we took her over. They had trunk - or - treating (which I had never heard of). The volunteers decorated the trucks of their cars and handed out candy. It was great and some themes where very well done. Here are some pics:
This is how the night started: NO photos of the princess..
Saturday it was like 80 degrees out. So much for Fall. But Roo's BFF came over and we went Trick or Treating in our neighborhood. I was disappointed that MOST of the houses where're giving out candy. There are a lot of kids that live around us so this was surprising. I don't care for the place anyway and really want to move but that's for another time.
I'll leave you with these:
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I'm still here
A couple weeks ago Roo and I where invited to Night at the Living Museum. It was really cool event at the Virginia Living Museum and the girls got all dressed up (as Princess Aurora and Princess Cinderella) they had arts and crafts, learning centers and of course...CANDY!
Roo is 4 and doesn't really nap anymore, even at preschool they say that she'll lay there but will rarely fall asleep. SO the Saturday of the event she fell asleep on the couch and I let her take a little nap. Obviously it wasn't long enough because I had a demon child when she had to get woken up. Let me start by saying I HATE WHINNING. It goes right through me like nails on a chalk board and most of you with little girls know-they whine. So she was being a whinny crying little brat and her dad lost the earrings for her costumes and the world was coming to and end (you get the point) I wanted to get a photo of her to send to her grandma but Roo was not cooperating.
THIS is what I got:
After all the wine we headed over to a new local restaurant that just opened.
Saturday we had to get up and go over to Megs house; she was moving and I volunteered Hubs to help carry shit. I carried some stuff too but mostly I saying at her old apartment and cleaned while the kids played. After that I didn’t feel like doing anything. I went home and took a nap. After Roo went to bed Hubs and I watched a movie.
Sunday is my cleaning day. I’ve been a bad girl and I haven’t been to church in a few weeks. Well I didn’t go this week either! In the morning Roo and I cleaned up the house. Hubs sleeps in because he works night but when he got up we all went to go see Astro Boy. It was alright. Roo really liked it but I enjoy the funnier kids movies.
So that’s just a bit of what we’ve been up to. Oh and I darkened my hair back up too; fall is here and it was time. I’m going to try to leave it alone until spring but we’ll see!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
(VERY Late) Weekend wrap up
Anyway I got totally off track - I didn't end up going to Maine. The plane tickets where way to much and I was just up there 3 weeks ago for my nieces birthday and I got to see my grandparents so I wasn't to bummed about not going. Hubby and I already had the approved time off from work so we decided to take a little family get a way. We rented a room at the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg VA. If you're not familiar with the Great Wolf Lodge; it's a hotel when an indoor water park - and it was AWESOME! The room was pretty pricey but we had a blast. I was so proud of Roo because she went down her first 'real' waterslide and I'm not talking a baby slide (she's been doing those since she was 2) I am a real waterslide. She loved them. There was also a kiddy area with small slides, a wave pool and hot tubs. We got there Thursday around 2pm and as soon as we where checked in we hit the water park. Then we got cleaned up and went out to dinner, after dinner we hit up the hotel arcade. At 8pm they have story time in the lobby of the hotel so we took Roo up for that and then got ice cream!
Friday we where back at the water park and by the time we where done there and on our way home the three of use where exhausted! Hubby went to play cards with the boys Friday night but Roo and I didn't move from the couch, except to walk upstairs to our beds.
Saturday - hummm what did we do Saturday? Oh yeah; it was Roo's BFF birthday party so we hit up Target and let Roo go wild in the clearance aisle and then we headed to the birthday party. I ended up playing with a handful of 4/5 year olds all afternoon. Lot's of fun. Saturday night Hubby and I stayed in and played the Wii
and Sunday we brought Roo to see Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3D. She had a great time and sat through both movies (and ate a crap load of popcorn).
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
18 things men should know about women
18 things to teach your sons about women
1. Pick your battles. (Argue what you know, not what you don’t know. The toilet seat is not a battle.)
2. Walk on the outside (closer to the street) of your female companion. (Or she will push you into traffic if you do not follow rule 1.)
3. Saying "You're being crazy" is never an appropriate response, unless you want her to go postal on you. ("Is it me who is crazy" is also not appropriate)
4. Cooking, cleaning, and taking care of kids are things men can actually do as well as women. (Do not let them know that or you will be doing it)
5. Keep backup supplies of quality chocolate in the house for her to raid. (And beer.)
6. Buying tampons and other feminine products shouldn't embarrass you --everyone knows they're not for you. (Actually, relish these moments because she is crazy at this point)
7. Women like compliments and gifts. (“You are really good with a crockpot” is not really either.)
8. Earning less than her shouldn't be emasculating. (Earning nothing should)
9. Be on time, even if she usually isn't. (And if she is always on time she may not be a girl; check first)
10. Don't be a pouty puppy when shopping with her. (Pouty is never good. Just avoid shopping altogether if you can.)
11. Find out what her favorite flower is. (And have them delivered to her at least once a year)
12. If you like her, then don't buy her shoes; it's bad luck. (Just give her the money and tell her to go buy herself some shoes)
13. Smiling and nodding aren't the same as listening. (There’ll be a quiz later)
14. It's OK to cry in front of her, but keep the blubbering to a minimum. (Actually, never use the word blubber in her company.)
15. Personality goes a long way. (And the lack of an ability to laugh at oneself is a deal killer.)
16. At some point she'll be more important than your mother. (And guess what? You’re grounded!)
17. You will never completely understand women. (Better to master calculus or compete in the Tour de France.)
18. Oh yeah, and no woman will ever be good enough for my baby. (I don't have a son but no one will ever be good enough for my baby girl so I get it)
19. Understand this now. Just put the toilet seat down or somebody is going to drown
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Bad movies
#94 – The New Guy (2002)
Yes I agree this was an awful movie. It’s the same old teen cliché of the teen turn popular
#90 – Dragonfly (2002)
I liked this movie. Granted it was a little unbelievable but I liked it (didn’t love it)
#72 – Broken Bridges (2006)
I didn’t watch the entire movie. I tried but couldn’t get into it. I thought I would like it because I do like Toby Keith and Kelly Preston but it was to predictable and the acting was not the greatest either.
#19 – Half Past Dead (2002)
Horrible movie. I’ve never been a big fan of Seagal movies anyway
So that isn’t bad. I’ve only seen 3.5 horrible movies of the past 10 years. AND I like one of them.
I bet my husband has seen (and liked) most of the movies on the list. He likes the stupidest movies. I on the other hand am pretty picky about what I watch. I don’t want to waste 2+ hours of my life watching a crappy movie.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Getting back on track
Now I’m home trying to get back into the routine of things. We didn’t get home till Monday night so I ate, took a shower and hit my bed. I love my bed! Yesterday I had to work and by the end of the day I thought I was going to pass out. I went home and made dinner and went to bed when Roo did. Tonight I’m hoping to hit the gym and get back on track.
Yesterday was the first official day of autumn and today there are only 100 days of 2009 left. Time for some goal setting…I’ve gained all the weight I loss back and I can’t fit into any of my clothes. Now that summer is over I’m reassessing my goals and starting my diet/exercise program with new hopes. I didn’t really stop working out but I’ve been eating like a pig and I need to be hitting the gym at least 4x a week. AND be doing my Wii Fit/elliptical at home too.
I also am going on a budget. We spend way too much money and if I want to go back to school full time in January I need to get us on a budget. If I’m spending my time at the gym then I shouldn’t be spending money; right?
So here’s to the rest of 2009! I can’t believe there is only 100 days left this year.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Never Forget
You’ll probably learn more about me personally in this post that you have in any others. I graduated high school a year early and joined the Air Force at 17. After basic training and tech school (where I graduated as the distinguished honor graduate) I was stationed at Langley AFB VA. I met Hubby not long after I moved here but we where just friends. I loved it! I loved my job; I was assigned to headquarters just out of tech school which is unheard of. I even loved my boss and most of the people that I worked with. I had it good, I didn’t deploy, I didn’t even have to play in the exercise on base. I wore my blues to work everyday and was grateful!
Hubby had a different life in the Air Force; he works maintenance. This means he goes where the jets go. Back then they use to do 90 day deployments to Saudi Arabia. Oh they would bitch and moan because it was hot and they couldn’t drink but the bases where built up and had chow halls, dorms, pools and community centers. Yeah they worked hard over there but it wasn’t ‘that bad’ Hubby’s squadron returned from the deployment from Saudi on September 9th 2001.
When the 2nd plane hit I remember thanking God they where home. Then the chaos happen, the phone lines where jammed everywhere, the gates to the bases where closed. No one could get on or off. We went to a 24/7 operation. Finally they started letting people off but only authorized personal could get back in.
I lived on base in the dorms at this time so I told everyone I’d stay. I worked 23.5 hours that day. My family was in panic because they couldn’t get through to me. Life changed. Things didn’t happen as quickly as I thought they would but no more blues to work, we now all wore our BDU’s (battle dress uniforms). Stop loss was put into effect which meant Hubby couldn’t separate from the Air Force as he had previously planned. Before 9/11 if you had stickers on your car you where waved through the gates. Now they stopped each car and search most. We all waited.
In October my mother flew down to see me and we had planned a Washington DC trip. Neither of us had been and it’d been in the works for months. She was practically striped searched in the air port and had to be there 3 hours in advanced to get from Maine to Virginia! Everyone said we where crazy but we went to DC as planned. I saw the enormous hole in the Pentagon. The streets where all blocked and you couldn’t drive anywhere near the Whitehouse or monuments. We had a wonderful time, we walked everywhere and saw everything, we went on living our lives as we deserved to.
We didn’t deploy troops to Iraq until March of 2003 and we’re still there today. This isn’t a political blog so I won’t go into my views on the war or the decisions made by people who are unaffected by the choices they make for our military but I will say that day changed my life. Hubby and I wouldn’t not be married today if he had not been ‘forced’ to extend his enlistment, after all was said and one he made the choice to stay and just hit 11 ½ years of service. I separated from the Air Force in September of 2005 because we decided we wanted to have a baby. One of us needed to be able to stay home with her if the other was deployed so I gave up my Air Force career and put in for a pregnancy separation. Do I regret it? No. Do I miss the military? Sometimes
I’m sure September 11th is going to be one of those times you will always remember where you where and what you where doing. Regardless of your stand on the political issues; today is a time to remember those who lost their lives and pray for all our military heroes.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
How'd you get here
These are the following searches that got people to my wonderful blog:
bodypump boston (x2) - I know I've blogged about body pump because it's AWESOME. I 'm not sure how Boston worked its way in there, but I love Boston too; so I'll take it.
why did I ever want kids... - ahh; from when Roo cut her hair
revlon runway collection - huh? There is never anything about Revlon or a runway in my blog. I only use Bare Minerals makeup (it's the best)
body pump fuck - wow that body pump sure gets some hits
vacation "no bra" - forget your bra one time!
BTW, now that I looked at that I know there are people jumping on here all the time but no one ever comments me :(
Friday, September 4, 2009
Her new haircut
I took her last night to get her hair fixed and this is the final product:
I have to be honest. I don't love it and I'm kinda pissed that I can't just pull her hair back and be done with it. See Roo has crazy hair like her mama and cow licks, bangs don't really work well for me. I have to wet and blow dry her bangs now before leaving the house. It's not only the extra work but I just love her hair before.
Hubby has been trying to talk me into cutting her hair up to her shoulder for a while now but Roo and I are against any talk of this. See she likes her hair to be long (like Ariel's) Roo doesn't even look like Roo anymore. I know she's still cute and beautiful and perfect but I'm having a hard time with his. I shouldn't have done it - I should have just left if alone and let what she cut grow out...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Kids...why did I ever want kids...
One thing I never did with Roo was put up her arts and crafts. She's had play dough, crayons, markers - everything available to her when she wanted it. Roo knows the rules and knows that if she breaks them I will throw all her arts and crafts supplies in the trash. Needless to say I do not have craft mishaps in my house.
After our trip to Alaska where Grandma gave Roo her fist pair of scissors she has been obsessed with cutting paper. Roo know the rules - you only cut paper and only at the table. No walking/running with the scissors and put them back when you're done. She's had them for a couple months now and the other night she was cutting some pink felt that I got for her. Apparently she was having trouble cutting the felt and thought that cutting her hair would be a good idea!
NOW - my little Roo has beautiful long brown curly hair that is just has unruly as her moms so I didn't know about the hair cutting. We go to bed and get up the next morning. I'm looking at her hair and I'm thinking WTF? Why does she have bangs. I grab her and sure as shit her hair is cut.
I just about lost my mind. I asked her if she cut her hair and she lies and says no. Well now I'm really pissed. Finally she admits that she cut it but won't really talk about it. She goes to school after I hide it the best I can and when I pick her up I get the whole story out of her. I was mad that she lied and made her go home and tell Hubby the truth about the hair cutting. She was not happy about this and said she was too scared to tell. But she did as she was told.
Punishment: NO scissors, no arts and crafts and the possibility of no Bush Garden's this weekend.
When I told Hubby, Sis and Mom about this happening they all laughed at me. I don't think it's funny. Not one bit. I'm going to take her in tonight to see if the stylist and help blend it. She cut about an inch thick and two inches long...
I may possibly post pics if and when I ever get over my anger.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Weekend recap and school stuff
Roo has her setup in her room in a cute little tank (that already needs cleaning). She’s a proud little mommy to her fish and feeds her every morning.
Saturday Roo and I hung out around the house and Saturday night Hubby and I went out to a comedy club to celebrate a friend’s birthday. It was a good time but I stayed out to late and so I was tired on Sunday.
On to school news; I applied last week and promptly got an email stating that I f-ed up the in state tuition part and that they needed a copy of Hubbys military orders, a local utility bill with my name on it, a copy of my dependent ID card and this other form. I got all this crap together this weekend and emailed it over to the school, hopefully that will be all I have to do and I will get approved for instate tuition. I would really hate to have to change my driver’s license to Virginia (I like have my Alaska driver’s license…people look at me funny when I have to show it)
After I get approved I have to figure out a schedule and enroll in classes, then the VA will process my G.I. Bill. I have over 4 months till I’m due to start but I just want to get all my ducks in a row. I haven’t mentioned to my boss that I plan on going back to school. I want to be sure I get in and everything’s all set before I cross that bridge.
Monday is Hubby’s birthday and we’ll be spending most of the weekend in Virginia Beach at the American Music Festival. Boyz 2 Men are playing Friday night and I am way to excited about that. Heart and Black Crows will also be there. There are a ton of bands but those are the big names. So I’m sure I’ll have much more to talk about next week.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I did it
I have been on my own since I was 17 and have never not worked. Even when I got out of the Air Force; I had a job before I separated. When we moved from AK to VA I didn't work for two months, one of which was spent driving across the US and visiting family. Once we got here and moved into our house I was working.
I know that we can afford for me not to work while I go to school full time because I have my G.I. Bill but that means no vacations, little eating out and my shopping habits will definitely have to change (I better go get myself a few new Coach bags to hold me over) It will be worth it in the long run...right?
In other news; still looking for a good book to read. AND someone came across by blog by googling 'no bra' that kind of made my day! It was on the vacation recap part 2 with the white bra and black dress disaster.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
hanging out
I guess I'm kind of in a funk right now. I just feel blah. I want to go back to school, I want to move, I want to loose now I have to set my mind to get these things done and not sit around thinking about what I need to do
So in order to get out of my little funk I have gone back on Weight Watchers and started working out again. The past few days I've been doing very well but I did cheat a little big last night.
I've worked out both days this week and plan to do so again tonight.
Next step is trying to get someone from the school to help with my GI Bill stuff. I've called the counselor on base but that's been no help so I'm going over there this week to find out what I need to do to get registered for the next semester.
So here's to making changes. By the way; I need a good book to read. Any suggestions?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Nothing New
It is f-ing down pouring here. This shit better stop cause if it ruins my weekend...Roo will be very disappointed. This is the plan (if the damn weather cooperates)
Friday night: Fun at the Fort. Me and Roo go almost every Friday night. Ft Monroe has a pool that is on the beach. The pool is open till 8pm and the beach stays open til 10pm. They have a grill, bar, face painter and balloon animals for the kidos and even a live band. It's one of my favorite things to do in the summer here. This Friday night Hubby and his friend JK will be joining us.
Saturday it's up early to make breakfast and hit the road for Kings Dominion by 8:30am. Let me just tell you how excited Roo is. She burst into my bathroom this AM and says:
"Mom, just one more day and then we go to Kings Dominion...right?"
Our plan is to hit up the water park on Saturday. Don't worry; I have my 50SPF all packed.
I got us a hotel room across the street from the park so I'll be able to take Roo over when she needs a break.
We are staying the night Saturday night and doing the rides on Sunday. Driving home Sunday night. It will be a busy weekend but I'm looking forward to it.
Next weekend we are going to Crue Fest 2. The line up includes: Motley Crue, Godsmack, Theory of a Deadman and Drownding Pool. I am looking forward to this show. I've been Godsmack before and they rock.
The weekend after that is labor day weekend and hubby's birthday is on Sept 7th so I'm sure I'll have something planned for him for that.
Roo showed me just how smart she is today. At our pre-school you have to type a code in to unlock the door. Roo ran up to it this morning and typed the code it all by herself, I didn't even have to tell her the numbers! Shit, most days I can't remember the code myself.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Yup; it's Monday
We headed to the big pool and had fun till they called break. Then we headed down to the beach so she could play in the sand and they have a pirate ship on the beach with a slide for the kiddos.
I grabbed a chair, a beer and hung out there for the rest of the night. Roo also got her face painted and by the time I got her home and to bed it was 10pm.
She still woke up at 6:30am Saturday. It was a chill day; we went to BJ's and Hubby took Roo to the park while I cleaned my bathroom and bedroom. It stormed and down poured out Saturday night so I stayed home and went to bed early.
Sunday morning was church then we hit up the beach. It was so freaking hot out! We had a great day swimming and grilling out at the beach. After getting home, showered and fed we headed to Cold Stone for ice cream (I got a sinless smoothie. They're good) and Roo fed the turtles in the pond.
Next weekend we're heading out of town to Kings Dominion amusement park. It's a water park and theme park. Roo is looking forward to it; I'm just hoping it's not too hot.
BTW: still crabby today.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I called hubby a few minutes ago to work out some plans about the Dave Matthews Band concert this Friday. I told him that I wasn't going to go because I've been him a few times already and lawn tickets are over 50 bucks. He asked what I was going to do while him and the guys went to the show and I told him that Roo and I where going to go to the pool Friday night.
H - "Well; I'm going to get you some 50SPF sunscreen"
M - "OK, why? How 'bout 30?"
H - "Because you are extremely caucasian and I worry about you being in the sun"
M - "Did you just call me caucasian?"
H - "Well you are!"
We went to the pool on Saturday and I got a bit of a sunburn while using 15SPF sunscreen. Yes I am very irish and tend to burn. Just because hubby is 1/2 Colombian and 1/2 Ecuadorian he doesn't have to rub it in. Oh yeah and Roo has a awesome tan, guess she's not extremely caucasian like her Mama
I got screwed.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Weekend recap
"Lets go to the winery after work for an hour."
She didn't get an argument out of me. I called hubby and told him to bring Roo to me around 6 (he goes out on Friday nights). And off we went.
We did a wine tasting and had some delicious crab dip with these home made tortillas. They where so good. I bought three bottles of wine and when Roo came all the girls talked to her and she had a great time. I went to the bathroom and Roo sat with Green girl. When I came out Roo was tell Green girl all about her 1st field trip she had gone on the day before. One of the waitresses came over and was saying how cute Roo is and looked right at Green girl and said
"Your daughter talks so clearly"
Green girl had the most horrified look on her face and said "take your kid"
It was very funny; the girl apologized and explained that Roo and Green girl both have brown hair and brown eyes. Roo quickly corrected her but tell her that she has dark brown hair.
I got Roo home and fed her dinner. We did some arts and crafts, watched some TV and I put her to bed. I didn't even go back downstairs after; I headed to bed myself.
Because I was in bed by 8:45pm the night before I was well rested when Roo woke me up at 7am on Saturday. We got up and had breakfast and I cleaned the downstairs, did more arts and crafts with Roo and packed the cooler. We finally got hubby out of bed close to 11am and we headed to the pool. We spent the entire day at the pool/beach and had a wonderful time. I got a sunburn of course while my daughter has the perfect tan. We both had sunscreen on and reapplied through out the day but I must have missed my chest and neck because they got it pretty bad.
We where all beat after the pool so we hit the showers and ordered pizza. Hubby rented Push. It kinda sucked. I went to bed.
Sunday I did not a damn thing. I slept in, watched TV, finished my book and then started on the 2nd season of Grey's Anatomy. Green girl is obsessed with this show and wants me to watch all the seasons to get caught up. I don't think I'll make it through them all before the new season starts but I do have to say; It's a pretty good show.
So that's all folks.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The best part of waking up...
I get up and get in the shower and a few minutes later she comes in and says something about how she can't get her tanktock on (yes that is how she says tank top; it's very funny)
I poke my head out of the curtain and she has on a multi-colored stripped skirt. OK that's good. And a tanktop that has stars all over it...hmmm; not so good.
Roo is very opinionated about her wardrobe. She likes to pick out what she wants to wear and get dressed herself. Some mornings this makes me want to kill myself
This is how it went down today:
Me: Roo; go get your orange shirt that matches the skirt you have on
Roo: NO. I want to wear my tanktock
Me: But your tank top doesn't match. It has stars on it and the skirt has strips
Roo: They're not strips mom. They're lines. And my tanktock has orange in in. SEEE? It does match.
Me: No baby it doesn't, go get your orange shirt out of your drawer and put it on.
Roo (stomping out of the bathroom): Well I guess you're not my mom anymore.
(cricket, cricket, cricket)
Did she just say that to me? She's only 4!
After I got out of the shower I went to check on her and she did have the orange shirt on.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My first ever Blog award
First I want to say "Thank you"
and now I am suppose to tag 15 other bloggers...
yeah, most of the blogs I follow have already been given this award so I'll just post some of my favorite sites:
LOL Dogs - this site is hilarious for dog lovers
List of the Day - always good for a laugh
Calicobebop - read her everyday, one of the first blogs I got hooked on. We live in the same area, both have little girls and are veterans. She rocks.
Passive-Agressive Notes - this is the funniest shit. Once you start on this you become addicted
Overheard in the Office - makes me feel better about my job
Vodkamom - she has almost 1000 followers, so a lot of people like her
Postcard From Yo Mama - because we all have crazy moms
Ravings of a Mad Housewife - Jaci is the creator of Blog Fart Friday
FML - bad shit happens to all of us
Bricks and Stones Gossip - the best gossip site around
Raising Stink - this girl is funny. She would definitely be someone I'd like to party with and her
kid is very cute
Not Always Right - funny and stupid customer service stories
xkcd - a web comic
someecards - just plain funny and somewhat offensive
and last but not least...
Let me google that for you - I work as a computer technician. There are some days I would like to do this to my users...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Getting to know me
I dance like crazy when everyone is looking
- Do you like to sing in the shower?
If the radio is on and it's a song I like
-Whats your favorite colour?
- Do you like baths or showers?
Baths to read/relax and showers to get ready
- Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry?
If I am straightening my hair I towel/air dry it. If I make my hair curly I do it while it's still wet
- At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water?
I'd like to lay there and ready a book. BUT I have a 4yr old so I do what she wants
- Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go?
Eat them
- Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?
- Pen or pencil?
- Have you thrown up in a car?
- Date someone older?
Yes...always have. Hubby is 8yrs older than me
- One place you could travel right now?
Maine. I miss my sis and niece
- Are you afraid of the dark?
- What was the last drink you drank?
Diet Coke
- Do you prefer hugs or kisses?
- What is your favorite word?
shit, or douche bag but that's two words
- Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Maybe more on the light side but pretty average
Friday, July 24, 2009
Parent’s Day
What is Parent’s Day; well here is what I pulled from the official website:
In 1994 President Bill Clinton signed into law the resolution unanimously adopted by the U. S. Congress establishing the fourth Sunday of every July as Parents' Day, a perennial day of commemoration similar to Mother's Day and Father's Day. According to the Congressional Resolution, Parents’ Day is established for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children."
The establishment of Parents’ Day was the result of a bipartisan, multiracial and interfaith coalition of religious, civic and elected leaders who recognized the need to promote responsible parenting in our society and to uplift ideal parental role models, especially for our nation's children.
Since the creation of this annual day of commemoration, local faith communities, elected officials and activists throughout the nation have creatively launched many activities around the theme of Parents' Day designed to celebrate and strengthen the traditional, two-parent family.
The National Parents' Day Council does not envision Parents' Day to be yet "another" day to honor parents, but rather a day when parents honor their children and the God-centered family ideal by rededicating themselves to manifest the highest standard of unconditional true love.
Although it’s refreshing to see a holiday that is based on the ideal that we should honor our children (because we should everyday) I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the fact that they assume that just because there is a two-parent family it’s in some way ‘better’ than a one-parent family. It is the best case scenario and one that I am grateful I have the ability to provide my daughter with; it’s not always realistic. And I don’t believe that God loves any parent or child less if they don’t come from a two-parent family.
I grew with my mom as a single mother. My sister is a great single mother. Was/is it easy for them? No, but it’s not always easy for me either and I have a husband. So weather you’re a single mom, single dad, step parent, adopted parent or anyone else I’m leaving out…Enjoy your children on Parent’s day; and every other day. They grow to fast.
Blog Fart Friday
I really do love my family despite my cynical nature about them. At times I do not understand the decisions that they make; but they are my family and I will do my best to support them.
Those ‘things’ that make water sounds. I hate them. They always make me have to pee.
Basically, my high school experience totally sucked. Joining the Air Force, moving away, traveling and enjoying being on my own @ 17 was much more exciting and rewarding.
My 6+ years-of-marriage started as a fling
I have 7 tattoos. (and want more)
I changed my hairstyle for the first time in 10+ years in November; and highlighted it in June. I'm ready for something new...I pray I like it; I'm so sensitive about my hair.
I love the smell of vanilla, my laundry (ask my sis, it smells AWESOME), freshly made coffee, butter popcorn, and babies
I can’t see a damn thing without my glasses. I want to get Lasik
I hate riding in the passenger seat during road trips. 99% of the time I’d rather drive. I can’t ride in the back for over 30 minutes or I’ll be car sick
I love have people at my house even if it’s a pain in the ass most of the time.
I am addicted to purses. Expensive ones.
I’m still pissed off they cancelled Friends. Now I just found out the cancelled Life and Without a Trace… Good thing I don't have much time to watch T.V
Roo is named after my Grampy and my uncle. Her real name is Danah (that's Dana NOT Dan-ah)
And bonus...
Things to Be Miserable About: Studies show that the average father spends less than thirty minutes a week talking to his children.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
4 years ago today...
This is the 203rd day of the year. There are 162 days remaining until the end of the year.
George W. Bush was President
We Belong Together by Mariah Carey was the #1 song in the country
Wedding Crashers was the #1 film in the country
U.S. House votes to renew expiring Patriot Act
Danah Crisalida was born @ 6:32 am at Elmendorf AFB hospital Alaska. Making her appearance 5.5 weeks early!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The End
After I make it into the limo I have to ask the driver to take me to mom's car so it doesn't get towed. I know at this point the driver has to think I am the stupidest b*tch in the world. But at this point I don't give a shit what he thinks. I've been running my fat ass off all day and I'm tired, crabby, wearing a white bra (with my black dress because I forgot my black bra), and I haven't eaten ALL day. I'm all smiles because at my wedding no one helped me and it was terrible. I don't want my mom to remember her day that way...but I digress
Now, cars moved and we are heading to the ceremony. I need (more) beer. I ask; very nicely if we can stop for beer and the nice driver says no problem. All of us girls are in the limo taking photos and laughing.
We stop at the store; I look outside...You've got to be f-ing with me! I am in the HOOD. Shit so here I am in a huge ass limo with a nice dress on and this guys stops in the worst part of town so I can run in the store (with everyone staring at me) to get beer. Yeah; he hates me.
Either way. I need a Corona. Bad.
Store, beer, good. I come out and Aurora is gone. Now I'm not a very pat person to begin with so at this point I'm pretty much going to loose it. But mom says "you'll never believe it"
NOW what? "you forgot the flowers in the suite" Nah ha...there right... CRAP! Roo says "mom, I have to pee" Out of the limo we go. And just because the universe loves me that much the MFers at the store wouldn't let my 3yr old use the bathroom! Roo is almost crying and I'm trying to explain to her that we'll go to another store but she doesn't get it. She has to go now.
Aurora is back in the limo with as many roses as she could find at the grocery store making bouquets! Yes this is really happening. We get back on the road and it is dead stop traffic (well duh; it's 5pm on a Friday). I get Roo to the next store, we all go pee and take a smoke break. I don't even smoke and I'm sure we all looked very classy standing in a Chevron parking lot in bridal wear smoking cigs and making wedding bouquets out of grocery store roses. If I wasn't laughing I would have been crying. But I had my Corona and we where once again on the way.
This is about the time I get the WTF call from Hubby "Ummm; where are you girls?"
Me: "where stuck in traffic, haven't left Anchorage yet"
They took the news rather well and we made it drove right pass them to the outhouses. We all had to pee again from the beer drinking in the limo...and what a better time to take pictures!
LOL yes, I'm not making this shit up. The guys walk up to wear we are because they're confused; I tell them to get lost and we'll be down shortly.
It was a crazy day but it's over and it was great. The rest went off without a problem and we all had a great time. We where suppose to go out after dinner but didn't make it. We all hung in the suite drinking and dancing. It was perfect.
Congrat's Mike and Mom! I love you both.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Vacation Recap 2
I tell mom, Kathy and Roo to go and have a ride in the limo and I'll get really faster if no one is there. So I speed race with my hair/make up, squeeze into my Spanx (the best things invented) and put my dress on. Now keep in mind I have a black dress...but I didn't bring my black bra, so I try the dress with no bra - yeah NOT going to happen! Shit, shit, shit. So I freak out over this for about 5 mins, mom is blowing up my phone. Aurora leaves to move her car because it's parked at a meter (parking in downtown Anchorage sucks) At this point I don't care.
Now another thing I should have mentioned; when mom and Kathy left the room they took NOTHING. So image me, trying to bring the champagne, beer, purses, cameras and every other damn thing down to the limo where everyone else is waiting. I go out the wrong door of the hotel and have to walk 1/2 block around the building to fine the limo. At this point my feet are already killing me, I'm about to drop a bag with beer in it and I lost Aurora!
Oh and it gets worse...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Vacation recap pt. 1
I really have been busy though. My family headed to Alaska for my moms wedding. We left on June 17th and returned June 30th. It was a long trip but when you are traveling that far you have to take as much time as you can.
When we arrived in Alaska it was cold and rainy. I didn’t see the sun for 5+ days. We went to Seward and went camping on Father’s Day weekend. It rained on us the entire time! Hubby doesn’t really do the outdoorsy camping stuff; growing up in NYC and South Florida he never really had the opportunity. I on the other hand grew up at camp but camping in the rain sucks so we threw everything in the back of the truck, took Roo to the Sea life center (where she acted up and didn’t listen at all) then headed home. I was so tired because I had gone out the night before and then drank all day with mom and got kicked off the air mattress by Roo…I had a back ache and needed a bed!
The rest of that week we took it pretty easy. We went to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and saw all the animals, I took Roo on her first hike at Thunderbird Falls and she made me run it on the way back. Where she gets the energy; I don’t know but I need some. I went out a few times but nothing to major, except for the Tuesday night that I drank 6 long island ice teas and didn’t leave the house the next day. Of course this was the day the sun came out…thankfully Hubby took Roo to the park and to her old pre-school that day.
From then on it was wedding stuff. Thursday was spent running around getting our nails done and picking up last minute things. I also had to steam moms dress and pack everything up for the hotel. Friday I got us checked into the hotel at noon and had to get moms BFF and have the cake delivered to our room. Then I had to run around and get everything else together. My BFF got stuck at work and wasn’t there to help me as I had planned. I got mom, Roo and Kathy ready and the limo showed up! I wasn’t even dressed yet…
I’ll write more about the wedding day tomorrow. I will be at work while everyone else has the day off (I’m not complaining…well maybe a little) And I’m sorry to everyone I didn’t get a chance to see on my trip. I hope you all understand.