Monday, February 22, 2010

kids say the darndest things

I went and checked out some of my favorite blogs today and all I have to say is…At least I’m not the only slacker around. Hubby got home late last week so Roo wants nothing to do with me! Here are a few smart ass comments she made to me over the past few days.

I was on the computer chatting with my sis and I asked her to turn on the light. She dramatically stomps over to the light switch and says:

“AHHH why do I have to do EVERYTHING in this house?!”

Ummm ok – you’re 4! You’re responsibilities are to keep you playroom and bedroom somewhat clean (I’m happy if you can see the floor) and pick up the crap you leave around MY house. I responded by telling her that she has to do it because I asked her very nicely. That’s when I got this gem

“I’m not your maid you know” as she stomps off.

Yeah it was kind of funny. What can I say, she’s a small version of me.

The next day we’re all going to play outside, Roo and hubby are walking out the door and I yell “wait for me” to which she replies that she doesn’t want me to come out and play only her DAD. My feelings where a little hurt and Hubby told her she was being mean and then “Ok, Ok, fine you can come.”

This morning I woke her up to get her dressed for school and she’s all like NO I want my daddy. Well Daddy’s at work already. Her response…

(SIGH) “It’s like he didn’t ever come HOME!”

Yeah kid, tell me about it

It's 50 out today and it hasn't snowed all week. Maybe spring is coming?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Becoming a mom makes you crazy

Does becoming a mom make you crazy? I remember when I was younger and thinking that my mom was nuts. Now I am her! Roo is having problems with two boys at school being meal to her. They’re boys – I tell her to pretend that they are invisible and if she stops reacting to them they will stop teasing her. BUT some of the shit these boys say is inappropriate; Tuesday one of the boys told Roo he was going to kill her. This is not language that we use at our house so I told her the same old story about walking away and being the bigger person. Roo can be sensitive so I spoke to the Assistant Director at her preschool about it. She talked to Roo and the boys about nice words to use with our friends.

I’ve been pretty busy with Hubby being out of town and all that. My mom called me twice on Wednesday and I was not able to answer the phone. There is a 4 hour time difference so it makes it hard to talk. Both of us work during the day and I usually answer her call when I’m at work. Wednesday I didn’t. She sent me a text saying “I’m not calling you anymore cause it’s a waste of my time” my mom never texts. Sometimes I get a photo or her or her husband for Roo but other than that she doesn’t text. I texted her back “Stop being so dramatic” I’ve called her three times since and she hasn’t answered!

Hubby has been gone for a month today but he’ll be home in two weeks! I can’t wait, I need a break. This weekend is the 2010 Polar Plunge. It’s supposed to be cold, rainy/snowy and windy…yay! Our team has raised over $3,700 for the Special Olympics.

I’ll post some photos next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!