Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm still here

I've been around but I haven't been posting. Here's a little bit of what I've been up to...

A couple weeks ago Roo and I where invited to Night at the Living Museum. It was really cool event at the Virginia Living Museum and the girls got all dressed up (as Princess Aurora and Princess Cinderella) they had arts and crafts, learning centers and of course...CANDY!

Roo is 4 and doesn't really nap anymore, even at preschool they say that she'll lay there but will rarely fall asleep. SO the Saturday of the event she fell asleep on the couch and I let her take a little nap. Obviously it wasn't long enough because I had a demon child when she had to get woken up. Let me start by saying I HATE WHINNING. It goes right through me like nails on a chalk board and most of you with little girls know-they whine. So she was being a whinny crying little brat and her dad lost the earrings for her costumes and the world was coming to and end (you get the point) I wanted to get a photo of her to send to her grandma but Roo was not cooperating.

THIS is what I got:

                                              My Crabby Cinderella

I love this photo! She was pissed at me but once we got there and she met up with her BFF it was all good and we had a great night.

Friday at work we held a United Way event to raise money. We had a hallway golf tournament. Each department had to come up with a hole. I came up with a Halloween theme because it’s so close to Halloween! I went all out on this golf hole and it won first place! My co-workers are threatening me that I’m not allowed to play in anything anymore because I always win. I’m competitive – I can’t help it. I spent Friday afternoon drinking beer and playing putt putt golf at work. Friday night a group of us went to my favorite local winery…I guess it’s a winery; they make all the wine there but it’s setup more like a wine bar. It’s great there and I love the owners. They have awesome wine and food. We all sat around drinking wines and eating appetizers. My friend Megs aunt was in town from Cali and she got drunk – we loved her because she fit right into our group.

After all the wine we headed over to a new local restaurant that just opened.

Saturday we had to get up and go over to Megs house; she was moving and I volunteered Hubs to help carry shit. I carried some stuff too but mostly I saying at her old apartment and cleaned while the kids played. After that I didn’t feel like doing anything. I went home and took a nap. After Roo went to bed Hubs and I watched a movie.

Sunday is my cleaning day. I’ve been a bad girl and I haven’t been to church in a few weeks. Well I didn’t go this week either! In the morning Roo and I cleaned up the house. Hubs sleeps in because he works night but when he got up we all went to go see Astro Boy. It was alright. Roo really liked it but I enjoy the funnier kids movies.

So that’s just a bit of what we’ve been up to. Oh and I darkened my hair back up too; fall is here and it was time. I’m going to try to leave it alone until spring but we’ll see!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

(VERY Late) Weekend wrap up

Oh where to start...originally I was going to go to Maine Oct 7th - Oct 11th. You see; October 7th was my Grampy's 75th birthday. My dad was murdered when I was 3 so I was raised with my Grampy and Uncles as my father figures. Grampy even lived with us until I was about 5 (and he married my grandmother). To me (and my mom, sister, aunts) Grampy can walk on water. He's the greatest man in the entire world. He was dealt a bad hand but he's a survivor and he taught all of us be the same way. I've only seen Grampy mad twice in my 26 years of life. No matter what I did as a teenage when I'd call him he'd always say the same thing "it's all right Krissy" When my mom wouldn't let me do something i wanted growing up I'd call Grampy and rat her out. LOL. Whenever I needed 5 bucks or a ride he was there. He gave me my first Budweiser and fixed my car when I crashed it. He pretty much rocks! I remember when I told him I was joining the military he said "Krissy, you're going in the Air Force of you're not going" and that was that. I enlisted in the Air Force and I know he was proud of me. When I was pregnant with Roo I wanted a boy SOOOO bad. Grampy said "Well Krissy; I don't care what it is as long as it's healthy. And a girl!" He's always loved the ladies. He got what he wanted and we named her after him.
Anyway I got totally off track - I didn't end up going to Maine. The plane tickets where way to much and I was just up there 3 weeks ago for my nieces birthday and I got to see my grandparents so I wasn't to bummed about not going. Hubby and I already had the approved time off from work so we decided to take a little family get a way. We rented a room at the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg VA. If you're not familiar with the Great Wolf Lodge; it's a hotel when an indoor water park - and it was AWESOME! The room was pretty pricey but we had a blast. I was so proud of Roo because she went down her first 'real' waterslide and I'm not talking a baby slide (she's been doing those since she was 2) I am a real waterslide. She loved them. There was also a kiddy area with small slides, a wave pool and hot tubs. We got there Thursday around 2pm and as soon as we where checked in we hit the water park. Then we got cleaned up and went out to dinner, after dinner we hit up the hotel arcade. At 8pm they have story time in the lobby of the hotel so we took Roo up for that and then got ice cream!
Friday we where back at the water park and by the time we where done there and on our way home the three of use where exhausted! Hubby went to play cards with the boys Friday night but Roo and I didn't move from the couch, except to walk upstairs to our beds.
Saturday - hummm what did we do Saturday? Oh yeah; it was Roo's BFF birthday party so we hit up Target and let Roo go wild in the clearance aisle and then we headed to the birthday party. I ended up playing with a handful of 4/5 year olds all afternoon. Lot's of fun. Saturday night Hubby and I stayed in and played the Wii
and Sunday we brought Roo to see Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3D. She had a great time and sat through both movies (and ate a crap load of popcorn).

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

18 things men should know about women

I'm not sure where this orginially came from but I found it on LOTD and thought is was pretty funny - some of the comments in italics have been changed by me.

18 things to teach your sons about women

1. Pick your battles. (Argue what you know, not what you don’t know. The toilet seat is not a battle.)

2. Walk on the outside (closer to the street) of your female companion. (Or she will push you into traffic if you do not follow rule 1.)
3. Saying "You're being crazy" is never an appropriate response, unless you want her to go postal on you. ("Is it me who is crazy" is also not appropriate)

4. Cooking, cleaning, and taking care of kids are things men can actually do as well as women. (Do not let them know that or you will be doing it)

5. Keep backup supplies of quality chocolate in the house for her to raid. (And beer.)

6. Buying tampons and other feminine products shouldn't embarrass you --everyone knows they're not for you. (Actually, relish these moments because she is crazy at this point)

7. Women like compliments and gifts. (“You are really good with a crockpot” is not really either.)

8. Earning less than her shouldn't be emasculating. (Earning nothing should)

9. Be on time, even if she usually isn't. (And if she is always on time she may not be a girl; check first)

10. Don't be a pouty puppy when shopping with her. (Pouty is never good. Just avoid shopping altogether if you can.)

11. Find out what her favorite flower is. (And have them delivered to her at least once a year)

12. If you like her, then don't buy her shoes; it's bad luck. (Just give her the money and tell her to go buy herself some shoes)

13. Smiling and nodding aren't the same as listening. (There’ll be a quiz later)

14. It's OK to cry in front of her, but keep the blubbering to a minimum. (Actually, never use the word blubber in her company.)

15. Personality goes a long way. (And the lack of an ability to laugh at oneself is a deal killer.)

16. At some point she'll be more important than your mother. (And guess what? You’re grounded!)

17. You will never completely understand women. (Better to master calculus or compete in the Tour de France.)

18. Oh yeah, and no woman will ever be good enough for my baby. (I don't have a son but no one will ever be good enough for my baby girl so I get it) 

19. Understand this now. Just put the toilet seat down or somebody is going to drown